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A peculiar formation of the incisors, or front teeth, groups a number of smaller animals together under the name of Rodentia, from the Latin word rodens, which signifies gnawing. These teeth act as files, so that the food on which their owners principally live is reduced by friction to a state which fits it for digestion.

I am interested in your Rodens and your Ferribys and your Whites, and even in your Tony Cornish. I wonder who will quarrel and who will well, do the contrary, and what will come of it all? In my day young people were brought together by a common pleasure, but that has gone out of fashion.

"So it is Dorothy Roden," she said to herself, with a wise nod. "A queer case. One of those at first sight, one may suppose." The Rodens, of whom she thought at the moment, were not only thinking, but speaking of her. They had finished breakfast, and Dorothy was standing at the window looking out over the Dunes towards the sea.

The Fays would hardly come without Mrs. Roden, and the Rodens could not be asked. "One doesn't always ask the same people to meet each other." "It would be very odd, and I don't think they'd come," said Lady Frances, gravely. Then after a pause she went on. "I fear, John, that there is more in it than mere dinner company." "Certainly there is," he said boldly; "much more in it."

It affected Crocker in such a way that there was for a time a doubt whether his senses were not temporarily leaving him, so that confinement would become necessary. Of course the matter had found its way into the newspapers. It became known at the office on the last day of February, two days before the return of the Rodens to London. "Have you heard it, Mr.

As to that seeing of the New Year in, it was quite out of the question for the Quaker or for his daughter. The company altogether came early. The only touch of fashion evinced on this occasion was shown by Mr. Crocker. The Rodens, with Mr. Tribbledale at their heels, appeared not long after Mr. Fay, and then the demolition of the Sally Lunns was commenced.

Then I had a singular old Quaker, named Zachary Fay, an earnest, honest, but humble man, who blew me up instantly for talking slang." "Where did you pick him up?" "He comes out of the City," he said, not wishing to refer again to Paradise Row and the neighbourhood of the Rodens, "and he brought his daughter." "A young lady?" "Certainly a young lady." "Ah, but young, and beautiful?"

The Rodens having been among the chief of the Orange families of Ireland, a series of cabinets which stood in a long gallery would be found on examination to contain a collection of engraved wineglasses, each of which bore the inscription "God save King William," or else "To Hell with the Pope."

After two years' labor spent on it, though this had been carried on in very agreeable circumstances in Highland castles and shooting lodges, or at the Rodens' house in Ireland I felt the need of rest of forgetting in intercourse with agreeable men and women that anything like disagreeable men existed, who rendered the labors of political thought necessary.

"Do not forget the sentiment," he called out after them. "Remember it is a charity." The malgamite workers were left to the care of Von Holzen, who had made all necessary preparations for their reception. "You are a cleverer man than I thought you," said Roden to Cornish, as they walked over the dunes together in the dusk towards the Rodens' house.