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"Nor should I be bluffed, even by you, Rockstone," said Underhill somewhat ruefully, rubbing his arm, "if I had the power that this chap has locked up in that little rubber box and stored away in that long head of his." "Well, let us make a decision: does His Majesty go to Washington or shall the Chautauqua lecturer extend his professional tours to include London?"

Gillian had to find that things could not be quite the same as when she had been chief companion in the seclusion of Silverfold. And just as she was going out the following letter was put into her hands, come by one of the many posts from Rockstone: 'MY DEAR GILLIAN -I write to you because you can explain matters, and I want your father's advice, or Cousin Rotherwood's.

It was a very fine house, and the gardens were reported to be beautifully kept up, but the owner was almost always in Italy, and had so seldom been at Rockstone that it was understood that all this was the ostentation of a man who did not know what to do with his money. Aunt Adeline met the travellers at the door with her charming welcome.

One of the old servants used to tell that whenever Travers and Larry Jerome and that set came in for supper, they expected the waiters to drink every fifth bottle; it made things more cheerful-like but revenons a nos moutons. Lord Rockstone is right, I do not want to sell my discovery, for mine it is. I am the penniless inventor.

The one point of union between the parishes of Rockstone and Rockquay was a choral society, whereof Mr. Flight of St. Kenelm's was a distinguished light, and which gave periodical concerts in the Masonic Hall. It being musical, Miss Mohun had nothing to do with it except the feeling it needful to give her presence to the performances.

Edestone had no alternative but to leave; but as he turned to rejoin Colonel Wyatt, who had stood stiffly at attention throughout the entire interview, he could not resist one parting shot. "Do not forget, Lord Rockstone," he said, "that England six months ago spoke lightly of submarines."

Lindenberry at once telephoned to Colonel Wyatt, who said that Lord Rockstone was in and that if Edestone would come around at once he would see to it that his letters were presented. As to an appointment, he could promise nothing, but he did say to Lindenberry, not to be repeated, that the Department was not at that time very favourably disposed toward Americans.

It was not a frequented road, and they met no one in the least available to do more than stare or ask a question or two, until, as they approached the town and Rockstone Church was full in view, who should appear before their eyes but Sir Jasper, Wilfred carrying on his back a huge kite that had been for many evenings in course of construction, and Fergus acting as trainbearer.

'If you told mamma, perhaps she would let you stay, returned Gillian. 'I know I should hate it, worse than I do going to Rockstone and without you. 'That would be unkind to poor Fly, said Mysie. 'Besides, mamma said she could not have settling and unsettling for ever. And I shall see Primrose sometimes; besides, I do love Fly. It's marching orders, you know.

He had met General Mohun and Sir Jasper Merrifield, both connections of the Underwoods. General Mohun lived with his sister at Rockstone, Sir Jasper, his brother-in-law, at Clipstone, not far off, and they both recommended Rockquay and its bay "with as much praise," said Lance, "as the inhabitants ever give of a sea place." "Very good, except for the visitors," said Geraldine. "Exactly so.