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Jim told me not to let the fire go out and I put on a little dry wood now and then." But Kate sat with her apron to her eyes, rocking to and fro in speechless misery and dread, Nellie striving vainly to comfort her. All unconscious of the coming peril, the little ones were fearless and almost content. They had no sympathy for their old nurse's terror.

Heavy forebodings rumbled out in the rocking and rolling of the endless coaches the clang of a future, pregnant with death and pain. Suddenly the tables were empty; everyone rushed towards the lighted compartments of the train, and a scene of indescribable jubilation followed as train after train of armed men rushed by into the night.

The carriage stopped, but it was some moments before they realized it. "You may come up in a little while," she whispered, "and lunch with me if you like." "If I like!" he repeated. But she was on the sidewalk, following the bell boy into the cool, marble-lined area of the hotel. A smiling clerk handed her a pen, and set the new universe to rocking. "Mrs. Leffingwell, I presume?

Quite without warning, I discovered along about the first of March that something ailed me; something was rocking the boat. About my heart there was a sense of pressure, so it seemed to me, or else my imagination was at fault. Mentally, I found myself well, for lack of a better word to express it logy.

"They don't have to wear dresses and things. And people don't give them dolls when they'd rather have rocking horses.... I wish they'd hurry and bring that brother. I'm just wild to see it!" Jack Schuyler sat up. "Well," he assured her, "They'll send over for you when it comes.... What shall we do now?" He waited patiently for suggestions.

She is of the serviceable, red-handed, broad-and-high- shouldered type; one of those imported female servants who are known in public by their amorphous style of person, their stoop forwards, and a headlong and as it were precipitous walk, the waist plunging downwards into the rocking pelvis at every heavy footfall.

She had been listening attentively, gravely, to everything I said until this last, when she burst into a scream of laughter, rocking herself to and fro in a transport of merriment. "You're the funniest thing I ever saw! but so be it, Mr. Jack Brown-Bangs, et cetera, et cetera! I make you my Royal Chancellor, responsible for the welfare of our Oasis!"

While yet many score yards off, other rhythmic sounds than those she had quitted became audible to her; sounds that she knew well so well. They were a regular series of thumpings from the interior of the house, occasioned by the violent rocking of a cradle upon a stone floor, to which movement a feminine voice kept time by singing, in a vigorous gallopade, the favourite ditty of "The Spotted Cow"

Mother sat rocking herself backwards and forwards, every now and then crying out in a pitiful way, like the women in her country do, I've heard tell, when some one of their people is dead; 'keening', I think they call it. Well, Jim and I were as good as dead.

The other was sitting up, rocking itself backwards and forwards, like a human being in pain. "They look bad, poor little beasts," Charlie said; "but what has that got to do with my soup?"