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"Don't have the same kind of stomach to put 'em in, I reckon. Anything is good to boys and billy-goats, but edjicated insides is sniffy, they tell me. Set down, Mary Cary. Here, take this rockin'-chair. Ain't anything been spilt on this one, and it's the only one what ain't. I'm that thankful nothin's caught on fire that I was thinkin' of settin' down myself, but 'twon't be no use. Look-a-yonder!

Chet returned to the subject of the jack, to whose back a blanket was strapped. "I'm sorry my saddles won't fit him," said Chet, "but you'll find sittin' on this blanket as comf'tbul as your mother's rockin'-chair, an' you've only sixty mile t' go." "Sixty miles!" gasped Whitey. "Thassall. Now you keep t' that road, with them hills t' your right, an' when you get t' "

I sat on my little rocking-chair and rocked her, and then I'd sit her on the sofa and look at her I was that proud of her." "That's five, six years ago, Amanda." "Yes, I was little then. I mind a story about that little rockin'-chair, too, Mom. It's up in the garret now; I'm too big for it. But when I first got it I thought it was wonderful fine.

We was upstairs, we was downstairs, we was in the wood shed an' out of the wood shed, we was under the kitchen table, we was over father's picture on the mantel we was everywhere, me an' that bat. Then all of a sudden he disappeared completely an' I sit down in the rockin'-chair to puff an' rest.

"I found the parlor, but the lights were out; so widout lookin' for the sofa I was afraid somebody'd come and catch me I slid her into a rockin'-chair, laid the key on the hall-table, shut the door softlike, rang the bell as if there was a fire next door, jumped on me box, and driv off. "The next mornin' I went to see His Lordship. "'Did ye land her all right, Fin? "'I did, sor, I says.

And, left without close enough supervision from his rider, he tended either to trot ahead or loiter until he was out of line. Drew was continually either reining him in or urging him on. "Kinda a raw one," Kirby commented critically. "He ain't no rockin'-chair hoss, that's for sure. If I was you, I'd look round for somethin' better to slap m' tree on "

Smithers, doubtfully, "to get up and 'it people in the face wot wasn't doin' nothink to it. If you disturb a rockin'-chair at night w'en it's restin' quiet, you'll get your ankle 'it, but I've never knowed no furniture to 'it people under the eye unless it 'ad been threw, that's wot I ain't. "I mind me of my youngest sister," Mrs. Smithers went on, her keen eyes uncomfortably fixed upon Dorothy.

She used to set in a big rockin'-chair over by the stove and was all puffed-up like like a featherbed, you might say; and she'd kind of doze along and doze along and you could holler your head off and she wouldn't pay no attention, and then she'd kind of wake up, as you might say, and sing out, 'Hey? What say? just like Mr. Bangs, for all the world.

And how Susan Ann Grimshaw that was, had a young babe. She said her aunt Mary was better now, so she had started for the Michigan; but she had had a dretful sick spell while she was there. While she wuz a tellin' me this, Cicely sot on one of the steps of the stoop: I sot up under it in my rockin'-chair. And she looked dretful good to me. She had on a white dress.

"Looks pretty bad here, doesn't it? I guess you forgot to sweep," he said, assuming social curves in his plump little body. He had the air of having come to stay. Miss Salome's lips, under orders to tighten, found themselves unexpectedly relaxing into a smile. The Little Blue Overalls was amusing. "We've got a sofy, an' a rockin'-chair. The sofy's new, but Chessie's broke a hole in it."