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'Is it no harm to have a constant hallooing and hooting under one's very nose, distracting one from business, and making one grind one's teeth with vexation? Is it no harm to be blinded and choked up, and have the king's highway stopped with a set of screamers and roarers whose throats must be made of of 'Brass, suggested Mr Swiveller.

"Gone aboard this morning along o' Toby Hudd the bo's'un!" "See here, my bright lads," quoth Penfeather, eyeing each scowling face in turn, "learn this when you come aboard my ship and I say to one o' ye do this or do that, he does it, d'ye see, or up to the yard-arm he swings by his thumbs or his neck as occasion warrants. D'ye get me, my bully roarers?"

"He reminds me of your great Shakespeare's boatswain in the 'Tempest, who says to the king on board: 'Hence! What care these roarers for the name of king? To cabin! Silence! Trouble us not." However, John Mangles did not lose a second in extricating his ship from the peril in which she was placed by the condition of her screw propeller.

Hearing this, the roarers opened their eyes, slid quickly into the same key, and tumbled head over heels on the grass, in which evolutions they were imitated by the whole party, except such as had not at that time passed beyond the staggering age.

At this instant, the lieutenant-governor’s daughter, whom he had supposed to be in a place of safety, ran into the room, and threw her arms around him. She had returned by a private entrance. "Father, are you mad!" cried she. "Will the king’s name protect you now? Come with me, or they will have your life." "True," muttered Hutchinson to himself; "what care these roarers for the name of king?

The term churinga, "sacred," is used by the Arunta to denote not only the stone churinga nanja, a local peculiarity of the Arunta and Kaitish, but also the decorated and widely diffused elongated wooden slats called "Bull Roarers" by the English. These are swung at the end of a string, and produce a whirring roar, supposed to be the voice of a supernormal being, all over Australia and elsewhere.

They were all retreating. Perhaps, then, he was not so bad after all. He seated himself and watched the terror-stricken wagons. They fled like soft, ungainly animals. All the roarers and lashers served to help him to magnify the dangers and horrors of the engagement that he might try to prove to himself that the thing with which men could charge him was in truth a symmetrical act.

How Morgan and Hunt had laughed over "The Yellow Jackets," "The Dead Shots," "The Earthquakes," "The Chickasha Desperadoes," and "The Hell Roarers"! Regiments would bear the names of their commanders a singular instance of the Southerner's passion for individuality, as a man, a company, a regiment, or a brigade.

" What care these roarers for the name of king?" Tempest. The Manhattanese will readily comprehend the situation of the two vessels; but those of our countrymen who live in distant parts of the Union, may be glad to have the localities explained.

The assimilation of latinisms and the revival of obsolete terms of speech had ceased; it had become finally a more or less fixed form, shedding so much of its imports as it had failed to make part of itself and acquiring a grammatical and syntactical fixity which it had not possessed in Elizabethan times. When Shakespeare wrote "What cares these roarers for the name of king,"