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But and you see I frankly expose my whole position to you what would you think of her for a wife?" "Frankly, then," said Lefevre, "I find I have admired her from the beginning of this, but I had no notion of letting my admiration go farther, because I conceived that she was quite beyond my hopes." "My dear fellow," said Lord Rivercourt, "you have relieved me and delighted me immensely.

"It is serious," said he "most serious, for this reason, that I cannot account for her obstinate lethargy; but I think there is no immediate danger. If necessity arises, I shall send for you again." "To the House," said Lord Rivercourt. "I shall be sitting out a debate on our eternal Irish question."

He went to the bed on which his new patient had been laid, and very soon satisfied himself that her case was similar to that of the young officer, though graver much than it. He wrote a telegram to Lord Rivercourt, sent the house-physician for his electrical apparatus, and returned to the bedside. He looked at his patient.

Lefevre was not in his first youth, and he had had his admirations for women in his time, as all healthy men must have, but yet he was made as deliriously dizzy as if he were a boy by his guess at what Lord Rivercourt meant. "Why," he stammered, "I think her the most beautiful, intelligent, and and attractive woman I know." "Yes," said her father, "I believe she is pretty well in all these ways.