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Riverbeds Mechi river Return to Titalya Leave for Teesta Climate of plains Jeelpigoree Cooches Alteration in the appearance of country by fires, etc.

Rocky cliffs, sloping hills, riverbeds, dry save from last night's thunder-storm, bits of sandy desert, strips of alkaline flat or hard gravel, have been gathered up from various parts of the earth and tossed carelessly in a heap here. It is an odd corner in which the chips, the sweepings and trimmings, gathered up after the terrestrial globe was finished, were apparently brought and dumped.

You're a regular high-roller when it comes to the laboratory, and all that; but it takes yours truly to get down and read the face of nature without spectacles. Now I've got a theory " Corliss threw up his hands in affected dismay, and the pocket-miner began to grow angry. "That's right! Laugh! But it's built right up on your own pet theory of erosion and changed riverbeds.

Leaving the town of Javana, the Spaniards followed the watershed for ten miles, and entered the territory of another chief, whom they called the "Old Man," because they were heedless of his name and took notice only of his age. Everywhere in the country of this cacique, both in the riverbeds and in the soil, gold was found. Streams were abundant and the county was everywhere rich and fertile.

They were familiar with high bars, prehistoric riverbeds, and they went as fast as their old legs would carry them. More faith was put in the story when it became known that the diggings were being deserted and that the men of El Dorado and Bonanza were quitting their jobs, actually leaving their thawed drifts to freeze while they scattered over the domes and saddles round about, staking claims.