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A half-circle of high-banked greensward, studded with old park-trees, hung round the roar of the water; distant enough from the white-twisting fall to be mirrored on a smooth-heaved surface, while its out-pushing brushwood below drooped under burdens of drowned reed-flags that caught the foam. Keen scent of hay, crossing the dark air, met Emilia as she entered the river-meadow.

A half-circle of high-banked greensward, studded with old park-trees, hung round the roar of the water; distant enough from the white-twisting fall to be mirrored on a smooth-heaved surface, while its out-pushing brushwood below drooped under burdens of drowned reed-flags that caught the foam. Keen scent of hay, crossing the dark air, met Emilia as she entered the river-meadow.

Strong in the sense of these favours, Miss Pillby put it upon the boy as a duty which he owed to her and to society to watch Ida Palliser's proceedings in the river-meadow. She also promised him sixpence if he found out anything bad. The influence of the Church Catechism, learned by rote, parrot fashion, had not awakened in the laundress's boy any keen sense of honour.

Wendover to walk and talk with the Fraeulein and me for half an hour or so in the river-meadow! Mr. Wendover, my best, my only friend's first cousin. Rather hard, isn't it? Hard? it's shameful, cried the girl. 'I should like to see old Pew turning me off for keeping company with my young man. But she daren't do it.

Thus when she perceived the intimacy which had newly arisen between the Fraeulein and Miss Palliser, she told herself that there must be some occult reason for the fact. Why did those two always walk together? What hidden charm had they discovered in the river-meadow? For this question, looked at from Miss Pillby's point of view, there could be only one answer. The attraction was masculine.

'I have been expelled sent away at a minute's notice for the impropriety of my conduct in allowing you to talk to me in the river-meadow. Brian had been fastening his boat to a pollard willow as he talked. He leapt on to the bank, and came close to Ida's side. 'My darling, my dearest love, what a burning shame! What a villainous old hag that Pew woman must be!