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"A rivederci, Signora! A demain! Andrea, take care of the Signora. Treat her as you would treat the Madonna. Do you hear?" The boatman grinned and took off his cap, and the boat glided away across the path of yellow light that was shed from the window of Frisio's. Hermione leaned back against the white cushions. She was thankful to escape. She felt tired and confused.

But it is equally clear that a certain amount of special knowledge was required for the purpose," rejoined the anatomist. "And now," added he; "I must draw up my report. A rivederci, Signor Fortini! A rivederci, Signori!"

I looked at her, and laughed abruptly and harshly. "I forgot," I said; "the lady is my wife I should have thought of that! I was speaking of another whom you do not know. Pardon me! when I am fatigued my memory wanders. Pay no attention to my foolish remarks. Enjoy yourself, my child, but do not believe all the pretty speeches of the Prince de Majano. A rivederci!"

I would never have referred to it had not the subject been raised. Some day you shall dine with me again, if you will.... But my good brother grows impatient. Good-bye again, my friends. A rivederci." He was led away. He would be taken to Geneva in a police launch, with the detective, the police, and the arrested servants. The delegates and press were to follow in the steamer.

"This evening, Signore; it will be fine for sailing this evening." "If not this evening, another day. A rivederci, Fabiano." "A rivederci, Signore. Buon passeggio." The man went back to his companions, and, as Artois walked on began talking eagerly to them, and pointing after the stranger. Artois did not know what he would do later on in the evening, but he had decided on the immediate future.

A rivederci, Gaspare. Perhaps I shall sail round to the island to-night after dinner. But I'm not sure. So you need not say I am coming." "A rivederci, Signore." When Gaspare had gone, Artois said to himself, "He does not trust me." Artois was surprised to realize how hurt he felt at Gaspare's attitude towards him that day. Till now their mutual reserve had surely linked them together.

I suppose the young people had been promising to remain faithful to each other until some happier future time should permit of their union, for at the last moment Albrecht thrust his head out of the carriage window, and, waving his hand, cried, "A rivederci!" I don't know whether they ever met again.

Gaspare still slept. It was curious to be going to give one's self to this silent silver thing that waited so calmly for the gift. He felt a sort of dull voluptuousness stealing over him as he stared at the water. He wanted to get away from his companions, from the boat, to be quite alone with sirocco. "Addio Salvatore!" he said, in a low voice. "A rivederci, signore."

"And that" he pointed to the stout lady, who at this moment tossed her head till her veil swung loose like a sail suddenly deserted by the wind "is the goose-mother. Buona sera, Marchesa! Buona sera molto piacere. Carlo, buona sera a rivederci, Contessa! A questa sera." He showed his splendid teeth in a fixed but winning smile, and, hat in hand, went by, walking from his hips.

"A rivederci, Signore," he added, pushing off the little boat. "A rivederci, Gaspare." Artois took the oars and paddled very gently out, keeping near to the cliffs of the opposite shore. "Even San Francesco looks weary to-day," he said, glancing across the pool at the Saint on his pedestal.