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And this is what they ca' explaining the tane gies up a bit, and the tither gies up a bit, and a' friends again. Aweel, after the Commons' Parliament had tuggit, and rived, and rugged at Morris and his rubbery till they were tired o't, the Lords' Parliament they behoved to hae their spell o't.

It would be a lighter doom, I thought, to be rived and shriveled by the lightning flash of a modern book, even "Crime and Punishment," than stultified by such as were within. Then, like the lady of the poem Having sat me down upon a mound To think on life, I concluded that my views were sound And got me up and turned me round, And went me home again.

We tore up the channel at an unexampled pace, the cleft north wind driving angrily past as the destroyer rived its way through. And in an hour we came to the ramshackle capital and main port of the peninsula, where a host of khaki-clad soldiers stared at us from the quay.

Gone to the goodly land. They are dead and gone to Heaven; They are dead and gone to Heaven; 'Rived in the goodly land." Sing on poor souls! The night is short, and the morning will part you forever! But now it is morning, and everybody is astir; and the worthy Mr. Skeggs is busy and bright, for a lot of goods is to be fitted out for auction.

I simply say that if you have a uncle, and bitter experunce tells you it is more profitable in a pecoonery pint of view to put pewter spoons instid of silver ones onto the table when that uncle dines with you in a frenly way I simply say, there is sumthun wrong in our social sistim, which calls loudly for reform. I 'rived on these shores at Liverpool, and proceeded at once to London.

When t' cockleet com, t' storm had fallen a bit, an' fowks gat out o' bed to see if owt had happened 'em. Slates, and mebbe a chimley or two, had bin rived off t' roofs, but t' beasts were all reight i' t' mistals, an' then they went up on to t' moors to look for t' sheep. When they got nigh Throp's farm, they noticed there was a gert hoil in his riggin' big enough for a man to get through.

"Nary one of 'em's eaten a mouthful," said Pine, just as a chopper rested from his work to shout, "We'll have enough shingles rived for the roof by the time them fellers gits their wall up;" and another said, "Pine, that there clay-bank by the spring's the very best kind. It's most as good as mortar." "'Tis if you temper it well," said Pine. "Call 'em to breakfast.

I suppose those shingles must have been rived out by just such a machine as Old Man Means used, in the 'Hoosier Schoolmaster." From this, he went on to tell about some of the comical parts of the story, and so managed to end the meal in a fairly presentable way. "She's found another sympathizer," sneered the husband, returning to his habit of addressing his wife in the third person.

Covering his right hand with his invincible magic mitten, he dealt a blow on the hills that made the earth shake, and rived them to a depth of a thousand feet. Through the chasm thus created the lake poured a foaming deluge, and borne with it was the canoe of Onoko and Wenonah.

If he could only pancake her down just beyond that big hole, maybe she would stop rolling He pancaked, but in doing so struck too hard. The undercarriage was wiped out completely. He felt the bound, followed by a terrific up-fling of the tail, and then a thousand stars went shooting before his eyes and it seemed that a lightning bolt rived his brain. Then darkness and an infinite peace....