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If he could only shoot all the year round I believe that Ritualists and Radicals would lose their powers of annoying him, and he might even end by admitting that our long-suffering cook makes curry which is fit to eat, and no more generous admission than that could be expected from an Anglo-Indian.

This Bishop regards the excesses of the Ritualists as a deplorable but probably inevitable incident in a great movement.

Christ, and Christ alone, is the Way, the Truth, and the Life to seeking, travailing, heavy-laden man; whereas the Romanists, as do the Ritualists, assert that without the priestly function there is no complete remission, no claim to all the benefit of the Passion, no assurance of God's sanctifying grace.

The idea was that people must amuse themselves, or they would spend their leisure time in plotting treason! and the rulers having been what we should call Ritualists, they considered that the holiness of the day ended when Divine service was over, and people were thenceforward entitled to do anything they liked.

Let us indulge ourselves for a moment in what is known to ritualists as a responsive service, thus: Q. What is a Supper Club? A. A Supper Club is a legal technicality a system whereby the English law is misconstrued, misapplied, controverted, disguised and outdone.

"No, it has not happened." "Really. You speak for yourself of course " "Yes, I do. I am interested; I'd be stupid if I were not. Besides, I understand conventions as well as you do " "You don't observe them " "I don't worship them!" She said coolly: "Women should be ritualists. It is safer." "It is not necessary in this case.

When he heard of that hero Gordon's death he should have taken a pistol and blown out his blundering brains. But perhaps," she added more calmly, "he was afraid of meeting his victims until he couldn't help himself. However, he might have gone into one of those `retreats' his favourite Ritualists are so fond of, and spared England any more blunders and follies."

"General," said the lieutenant, "I have seen a good deal of Roman Catholic countries, where the priests have full sway, and I am very sure that the system these Ritualists have introduced is tending in the same direction. I know from experience that true religion makes a man all that can be expected of him.

"The Jews sent unto him from Jerusalem priests and Levites to ask him, 'Who art thou? ... 'Why baptizest thou?" The first question was universally interesting; the second specially so to the Pharisee party, who were the high ritualists of their day, and who were reluctant that a new rite, which they had not sanctioned, should be added to the Jewish ecclesiastical system. It is a striking scene.

In this church, confession and penances, and other things in which the ritualists imitate the Roman Catholics, are in use, and the vicar, or priest as he is called, gained a great influence over Colonel Eden's mind. "He had at this time entirely given up going into society, but his intimacy with me, which had lasted so many years, continued to the end.