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Nevertheless my gaze must needs wander from crusty loaf to mellow cheese and thence to juicy beef so that I was greatly tempted to begin there and then but schooled my appetite to patience. At last in strode Anthony who, seizing my hand, shook it heartily. "Peregrine," said he, staring very hard at the beef, "what perfectly glorious hair " "Hair?" said I. "So silky, Peregrine, and ripply."

"Do your ancestors go right slap-bang back to the Conquest?" she asked interestedly, while she was undressing that evening. "Well, not quite so far as that," smiled Loveday, diligently brushing a flaxen mane ripply with plaiting. "But I believe there were Setons in the fourteenth century, long before they had the Abbey from Edward the Sixth's commissioners.

Budding it undoubtedly was, on one side at all events, and blossom it certainly should if she could help it on; for he had ripply hair, and deep attractive eyes, and a frank open face, and she liked him. They were suddenly in the shade, threading a narrow cutting between high gorse-topped banks of crumbly yellow rock. Then, without any warning, the rock-walls fell away.

And the woman as looks in sees nothing, for it's as dark down there as the insides of the whale what swallered Noah. But she leaves the door open and goes on a-making tea, and they ain't skeercly a sound from that cistern, only little, ripply noises like it might have been fish. Pretty soon a woman says: "It has drawed, Elmira; won't you have a cup?" Elmira she kicked some more, but she took hern.

Looked like they was doin' noble, too; for every once in a while we could hear that ripply laugh of hers, or Mr. Robert's hearty chuckle which should have been good signs that they was enjoyin' each other's comp'ny. We even had to send out word it was time to doll up for dinner. But an affair like that is like a feather balanced on your nose. Any boob is liable to open a door on you.

He was very dull, and even her companionship, he thought, would be pleasant if only she would come down off her pedestal and be humanly sociable. When he wrote a story about a fellow being laid up in the same house with a girl a girl with big, blue-gray eyes and ripply brown hair he would have the girl treat the fellow at least decently.

"Why, for one thing," says I, "he let out that you was the most fascinatin' woman in the world." Another ripply laugh from Bonnie. "The old dear!" says she. "But then, he always was a little silly about me. Think of his never having gotten over it in all these years, though! But he didn't stay to meet me. How was that?"

I should stipulate for him having eyes just like that. Ripply hair too, I think. Yes. I should insist on his having hair just like Mr. Graeme's." They had strolled along past Le Fort till the road lost itself in a field above Banquette, and there they came to an involuntary stand and stood gazing.

I counted the bows of ribbon on her dress, and would have counted the crosses, if she had not interrupted me with, "What do you think of me?" "Do you ever blush, Verry?" "I grow paler, you know, when I blush." "What do you think of me?" "As wide-eyed as ever, and your eyebrows as black. Who ever saw light, ripply hair with such eyebrows? I see wrinkles, too." "Where?"

Seems shy and bashful too, except when she snuggles up on the lee side of Marjorie and trails off with her. The particular party I was strainin' my eyesight for ain't in evidence, though, and all the hint I gets of her bein' there was hearin' a ripply laugh at the far end of the hallway when she and Marjorie go to a fond clinch. That was some comfort, though, she was in the house!