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These saline incrustations are common in many parts of America: Humboldt met with them on the tableland of Mexico, and the Jesuit Falkner and other authors state that they occur at intervals over the vast plains extending from the mouth of the Plata to Rioja and Catamarca.

In his native province of La Rioja the mastery had for many years been disputed by two powerful houses, the Ocampos and the Dávilas, both descended from noble families in Spain. In the year 1820 the former were triumphant, and possessed all the authority then wielded in the province.

In the northeastern corner of Castile, known as the Rioja, Basilio Garcia, agent for the Pope's bulls in the province of Soria a man destitute of military knowledge, and remarkable only for his repulsive exterior and cold-blooded ferocity collected and headed a small body of insurgents; whilst, in other districts of the same province, several battalions of the old Royalist volunteers a loose, ill-disciplined militia, as motely and unsoldierlike in appearance as they were unsteady and inefficient in the field ranged themselves under the orders of a general-officer named Cuevillas, and of the veteran Merino.

Such is Upper Rioja one of the prettiest spots in Spain, the Touraine, one might almost say, of Iberia, a circular region of about twenty-five miles in radius, containing four cities, Logroño, Santo Domingo de la Calzada, Nájera, and Calahorra.

But King Don Sancho gathered together his host, and put the Cid at their head; and such account did he give of his enemies, that he of Navarre was glad to enjoy Rioja in peace, and lay no farther claim to what his father had lost.

'Yes, sir. 'Do you come from la Rioja? 'Yes, and suppose I do? I retorted, provoked by all this questioning. And the binder, whose mother was a Nunez de Latona and came from la Rioja, told me the story I've just told you.

There was a great want of rain in the land of Rioja and Bureva, and the district of Cardena also was in want of water, though not in such great need, for it was long since any rain had fallen; and it pleased God that on the aforesaid Thursday, the eve of the translation, at the very hour when the Abbot and his people began to prepare the bier, and make all things ready for opening and removing the tomb, a soft and gentle rain began, such a rain that to those who were out of doors it was nothing troublesome, and to the country greatly profitable, and pleasant unto all; and it lasted all that night, and all the day following, till the holy business of the translation was accomplished, and then it ceased.

Suffice it to say, that, with the title of Comandante de Campaña, he retained in La Rioja every fraction of actual power, nominating, nevertheless, a shadowy governor, who, if he attempted any independent action, was instantly deposed.

While Ocampo with his beaten troops fell back to wait for reinforcements, Quiroga pursued the retreating victors, harassed their rear, clogged their every movement, and proved so formidable to the enemy, that Aldao, abandoning his companion, made an arrangement with the government of La Rioja, by which he was to be allowed free passage into San Luis, whither Quiroga was ordered to conduct him.

The date of the erection of the western front is doubtless the same as that of the trascoro; both are contemporaneous the author is inclined to believe with the erection of the Pillar in Saragosse; at least, they resemble each other in certain unmistakable details. Calahorra. The fourth of the cathedral churches of Upper Rioja is that of Calahorra.