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"Trying some new stunt?" "Well, yes, just trying it. You mean about the dog?" "Yes." "I don't know that we can work it," went on Joe; "but if we can it ought to make a hit." "That's the idea!" said the ring-master. "We've got to keep working for new hits in the circus business all the while." For several days after that, whenever opportunity offered, Joe and Mr.

Tracy," he said one afternoon, after the big crowd that had applauded our hero had filed out, "don't you think I ought to be getting more money?" "More money!" repeated the ring-master. "What for?" "Well, I'm doing a double turn. I do almost as much trapeze work as I did at first, and I'm putting on the tank act too. I've made that longer than Benny did.

Occasionally some belated drayman would come hurrying along just as I was going to sleep, or some early bird before I was fully awake in the morning, and let off in rapid succession, in front of my hotel, a volley from the tip of his lash that would make the street echo again, and that might well have been the envy of any ring-master that ever trod the tanbark.

The boys tried to make them out by the pictures and names on the bills: which was Rivers, the bare-back rider, and which was O'Dale, the champion tumbler; which was the India-rubber man, which the ring-master, which the clown.

He filled his lungs with air and went under. "And he stayed more than three minutes," testified Helen. "Well, if you can do that, maybe we can pull off the act yet," agreed the ring-master, with a sigh of relief. There was a hasty consultation. By this time the ambulance had arrived and Benny was put in it to be taken to the hospital.

"But if any of you think it is easy to stay under three minutes just try to hold your breath for the time Mr. Strong remains under water. I venture to say none of you can do it." Again the ring-master paused for dramatic effect. Then he took out his watch, and looked toward the entrance to the dressing tent. One of the attendants signaled that Joe was ready.

Alice watched with much interest the arrangements making for this feat. Fresh sawdust was sprinkled over the arena, the ropes of the trapezes were lowered and tested: evidently the feat was a difficult one, and needed careful preparation. M. Aristide and M. Joachin took their places on the suspended bars, the ring-master cleared the circle, and Mignon rode in at a gallop.

The goldfish were carried in a separate tank which the ring-master had provided for them, and Joe, having seen that they were fed, had them turned into the big glass box in which he was soon to go through his act.

"No, some kid who wanted to carry water for the elephants. He isn't clawed bad just on his hand." "Well, I'm glad it isn't bad." In spite of his vexation against the lad, Jim had a kind spot in his heart. The ring-master went to see about the lad, who, it appeared, in his eagerness to get a view of the animals in their cages, had gone too near the one containing a dangerous lion.

The latter menace was carried out before the week was over, on the unhappy boy obstinately refusing to clean out the animals' cages, to fetch and carry the food for birds and beasts, and to perform a hundred other distasteful offices. 'I'll teach ye; I'll conduct your education, young sir! shouted the ring-master. 'And here's the lesson-book! he sneered, flourishing a cruel-looking whip.