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'But I can't stand being called a Weasel. "With that," said the Righthandiron, "Skihigh clapped Ebenezer into his market basket and then turned on Lefty and me. Lefty managed to get away, but I was caught." "What did he do to you?" asked Tom, trembling with excitement. "He tried to bite my head off," said Righty, with a laugh. "See those two dents on either side of my neck?"

It's too high up for dust and dirt here, you see, and so the snow is always clean, and so, equally of course, is dazzling white." "But the tobogganing?" asked Tom. "It's like swinging and letting the old cat die," explained the Righthandiron. "You see, it's this shape," and he marked the crescent form of the moon on the snow and lettered the various points.

"And I'll go with you," said Righty. "He may not come for one, but I'm sure he will for two." "All right," said the Poker. "Dormy and I will wait here for you; and I'll tell him a story while you're gone. How will that suit you Dormy?" "First rate," said Tom. "I like stories." "We'll be back soon," said the Righthandiron, as he and the other started back after the Bellows.

Even as it is, you've twisted my neck so I'll never get it back in shape again," said the Righthandiron. "Well, I'm sorry," said the Bellows, "but it's all your own fault. You asked me to blow the cloud, and I blew it. You didn't say where you wanted it blown." "You needn't have blown it to smithereens, just the same!" retorted the Poker. "It doesn't cost anything to ask a question now and then."

There'll be more candy for us, we won't have to divide the good time we have up into more than two parts, and, what is more, neither of us will have to carry the Dormouse." Here the two Andirons gave a sidelong glance at Tom, and saw that he was smiling. "What are you laughing at?" asked the Righthandiron. "Eh, Dormouse?"

"What good does it do you or me or anybody else for me to admit that I am a Dormouse, for instance?" "A little tail which I will wag for you," said the Righthandiron, "will explain how that is. Did you ever know a boy named Ebenezer J. Carrottop?" "No, I never heard of any person with such an absurd name as that," returned Tom.

"If I'll be a Dormouse will you take me off on your good time with you?" asked Tom. "Certainly, but we can't take anybody who denies that he is what he is or who says that his name doesn't belong to him." "But I can't tell a story," said Tom. "Nobody asked you to," returned the Righthandiron. "All we ask is that you'll say nothing about it.

He wrote those poems and called 'em all Sandwiches just to be stupid, and it was stupid." "But what did he want to be stupid for?" asked Tom. "Just his vanity, that's all," said the Righthandiron. "The Poker is a very vain person. He thinks he is superior to everybody else in everything.

"No; he'd be a cannibal," put in the Righthandiron, desirous of stopping the quarrel between the rivals. "How do you make that out?" demanded the Bellows. "Because Tom is a brick himself," explained the Righthandiron; and just then slap! bang! the party plunged head first into what appeared to be and in fact really was a huge snowbank. "Hurrah! Here we are!" cried Lefty, gleefully.

"We can't blame him for thinking he is a boy, because everybody has told him he is a boy except ourselves, and being a Sleepyhead he believes as a rule what he is told if it is pleasant to believe." "Well, I can't see why he objects to being a Dormouse," said the Righthandiron. "I think Dormice are very handsome and just too sweet and amiable to live.