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It was shortly after John O'Sheehan had been sentenced for two years for caroling another seditious lyric. A surge of sound brought out the words: "The west's awake!" Dying yokes. And a sudden right-about-face movement of the throng. Crowd shouting: "Up the Americans!" With Sinn Fein and American flags flying, the delegates' car rolled up to the outskirts of the crowd. A sharp order.

I consulted the Cigarette. "Look," said he. I looked. There were the four girls on the same spot; but now four backs were turned to us, very upright and conscious. Corporal Modesty had given the word of command, and the well-disciplined picket had gone right-about-face like a single person.

Joe Carbrook's right-about-face was much more dramatic, for J.W. saw, when the decision was made, that Marty could not have been meant for anything but a preacher. It was as fit as you please.

"It says `The cat and the fiddle," he gasped, and forthwith he became a convert to telephony. By such tests the men of science were won over, and by the middle of 1877 Bell received a "vociferous welcome" when he addressed them at their annual convention at Plymouth. Soon afterwards, The London Times surrendered. It whirled right-about-face and praised the telephone to the skies.

"You made your right-about-face in such a way that you were bound to lose the support of the Liberal press, and the Liberals are far stronger in print than all the Ministerialist and Royalist papers put together.

Here it was turned right-about-face and again despatched on its long journey. In this way it oscillated backward and forward not fewer than six times before traces of it were lost. We say "traces," because these remarkable facts were ascertained, tracked, and corroborated by independent barometric observation in all parts of the earth.

"So we will have to ask you to withdraw from the school, unless you right-about-face ... otherwise, we have had enough of you ... in fact, if it had not been for your great promise your talents! I waved the compliment aside rather wearily. "I think that if this school has had enough of me, I have had about enough of the school." I expressed, in plain terms, my opinion of their espionage system.

Tonans was reserved for perusal at breakfast. He reserved it because Tonans was an opponent, tricksy and surprising now and then, amusing too; unlikely to afford him serious reflections. The recent endeavours of his journal to whip the Government-team to a right-about-face were annoying, preposterous.

So it came about that Red Pepper Burns, coming in ruddy from his twelve-mile dash home, and feeling particularly fit for the labours of the afternoon in consequence of having found every hospital patient of his own on the road to recovery two of them having taken a right-about-face from a condition which the day before had pointed toward trouble discovered his first office patient lying fast asleep upon the consulting room couch.

Then: "If I think there's any possibility of finding it well, I'll see what can be done, after those bodies are brought in. You, I suppose, are ready to start?" I nodded. "Sergeant Goodell is in charge of the detail. You'll probably find him about to go. That's all." It was like being dismissed from parade; a right-about-face, march! command straight from the shoulder.