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Rietz made me, I was sorry I had hired the cart and kept it to take me home, for I would gladly have stayed longer, and the heat did me no harm; but I did not like to throw away a pound or two, and drove back that evening. Mrs. Rietz, told me her mother was a Mozambiquer. 'And your father? said I. 'Oh, I don't know.

Under the head of marriages, the Berlin newspapers announced "Wilhelmine Enke to Carl Rietz." "Ah, my Rosicrucians," cried Wilhelmine, laughingly, as she read this notice, a mischievous triumph sparkling in her eyes; "ah, my heroes in virtue, for once you are outwitted, and I am victorious! I would like to witness their surprise. How they will laugh and swear over it!

"That is to say, you are determined to snap your fingers at them! Your plan is a good one, but you will find no one to aid you in a sham marriage!" "I have already found one," whispered Wilhelmine, smiling. "Your valet de chambre Rietz is willing to stand with me in a sham marriage." "My body-servant!" "Yes, Frederick William!

No one but Herr Hiller, Herr Rietz, or Herr Lachner is thought fit for this. It would be simply impossible to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of Beethoven's birth if these three gentlemen should happen suddenly to sprain their wrists.

Send me your passport by return of post, and I will take care of the rest. At Dresden I stayed lately for more than a fortnight. I have settled with Rietz that I shall be present at the final rehearsals and the first performance of "Lohengrin," and shall give you an accurate account of it. When I came to Leipzig, I found a good deal of gossip about the "Lohengrin" performance current there.

It is said that many of these stage-plays were of questionable decency, with more than a suggestion of the garden of Eden in them; but this is an aspersion which Madame de Rietz indignantly repudiates in her "Memoirs."

He wrote that one of the first things he had done was to have a copy of the score made for the orchestra with the 'cuts' introduced by Conductor Rietz for the Leipzig performance, and that it would consequently be a tiresome business to put back all the passages which I wished to have restored. He regarded my request in this particular as merely malicious.

"For my part, I have not yet had time to read their history, but the first reading I do will assuredly be that. "Mademoiselle Chappuis has the honor of recalling herself to your memory, and I have that of being your very humble servant, "Wilhelmina Rietz." The allusions to a "history" and to the 'Megamiques' in this letter refer to Casanova's romance, 'Icosameron'.

The favorite of a prince married to a valet de chambre! Wait until the prince becomes a king, then Wilhelmine Rietz will develop into a beautiful butterfly, and the wife of the valet de chambre will become a countess nay, a princess. The Great Kophta has promised it, and he shall keep his word.

Mistresses and favourites, Rosicrucians and valets, theosophists and femmes galantes, on the whole got on very well together and agreed surprisingly. It was but a step from the laboratory of the Rosicrucians to the boudoir of Madame Rietz, and these mystic personages cleared it without a scrap of shame.