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Accordingly the nephew of Riario, Cardinal Raffaelle Sansoni, expressed a keen desire to view the treasures of the Medici household, and was welcomed as a guest by Florence. He attended mass in the Cathedral which was to be the scene of the assassination, since Lorenzo and his brother were certain to attend it.

Already we have seen the bastard Francesco Cibo take to wife the daughter of the great Lorenzo de'Medici, and we have seen the bastard Girolamo Riario married to Caterina Sforza a natural daughter of the ducal House of Milan and we have seen the pair installed in the Tyranny of Imola and Forli. A score of other instances might be added; but these should suffice.

The pope becomes attached to the Florentines The Genoese seize Serezanello They are routed by the Florentines Serezana surrenders Genoa submits to the duke of Milan War between the Venetians and the Dutch Osimo revolts from the church Count Girolamo Riario, lord of Furli, slain by a conspiracy Galeotto, lord of Faenza, is murdered by the treachery of his wife The government of the city offered to the Florentines Disturbances in Sienna Death of Lorenzo de' Medici His eulogy Establishment of his family Estates bought by Lorenzo His anxiety for the defense of Florence His taste for arts and literature The university of Pisa The estimation of Lorenzo by other princes.

Four of his nephews and their aggrandizement were the particular objects of his attentions, and two of these as we have already said Piero and Girolamo Riario, were universally recognized to be his sons.

His Cupid went to Rome, and was sold for thirty ducats to a dealer called Messer Baldassare del Milanese, who resold it to Raffaello Riario, the Cardinal di S. Giorgio, for the advanced sum of 200 ducats. It appears from this transaction that Michelangelo did not attempt to impose upon the first purchaser, but that this man passed it off upon the Cardinal as an antique.