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"To Llan Rhyadr," said I, "from which I came this morning." "Which way did you come?" said the man. "By Llan Gedwin," I replied, "and over the hill. Is there another way?" "There is," said the man, "by Llan Silin." "Llan Silin!" said I; "is not that the place where Huw Morris is buried?" "It is," said the man.

"I wonder," thought I to myself, "what you would have answered if I had said that you speak English execrably." By her own account she could read both Welsh and English. She walked by my side to the turn, and then up the left-hand road, which she said was the way to Llan Rhyadr. Coming to a cottage she bade me good-night and went in.

And now I must bid you good-bye, master; for my way to the Gwern is on the right" Then followed by the boy he turned aside into a wild road at the corner of a savage, precipitous rock. Mountain Scenery The Rhyadr Wonderful Feat.

After crossing the bridge I had one or two ascents and descents. At last I saw lights before me which proved to be those of Llan Rhyadr. I soon found myself in a dirty little street, and, inquiring for the inn, was kindly shown by a man to one which he said was the best, and which was called the Wynstay Arms. Inn at Llan Rhyadr A low Englishman Enquiries The Cook A Precious Couple.

'Are you married? said I. "'In truth I am, sir. "'What family have you? "'I have a daughter. "'Where do you live? "'At the house of the Rhyadr. "'I suppose you live there as servant? "'No, sir, I live there as master. "'Is the good woman I saw there your wife? "'In truth, sir, she is. "'And the young girl I saw your daughter? "'Yes, sir, she is my daughter.

The water of the cataract, after reaching the bottom of the precipice, rushes in a narrow brook down the vale in the direction of Llan Rhyadr. To the north-east, between the hog-backed hill and another strange- looking mountain, is a wild glen, from which comes a brook to swell the waters discharged by the Rhyadr.

The south-west side of the vale is steep, and from a cleft of a hill in that quarter a slender stream rushing impetuously joins the brook of the Rhyadr, like the rill of the northern glen. The principal object of the whole is of course the Rhyadr. What shall I liken it to?

The quiet scene from the bridge, however, produced a sedative effect on my mind, and when I resumed my journey I had forgotten Huw, his verses, and all about Roundheads and Cavaliers. I reached Llanarmon, another small village, situated in a valley through which the Ceiriog or a river very similar to it flows. It is half-way between Llangollen and Llan Rhyadr, being ten miles from each.

Hearing some one walking on the other side of the hedge I inquired in Welsh whether I was going right for Llan Rhyadr, and was answered by a voice in English, apparently that of a woman, that I was not, and that I must go back. I did so, and presently a woman came through a gate to me. "Are you the person," said I, "who just now answered me in English after I had spoken in Welsh?"

We also say: Go to old Nick! and Nick or Nikkur was a surname of Woden, and also the name of a spirit which haunted fords and was in the habit of drowning passengers. Night came quickly upon me after I had passed the swearing lad. However, I was fortunate enough to reach Llan Rhyadr, without having experienced any damage or impediment from Diawl, Andras, Duse, or Nick.