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EMMA. "The next bay is Panama, in which are the Gulf of St. Michael and Gulf of Parita. There are several islands here, but the largest is Rey Isle. The Gulf of Dolce runs into Costa Rica, and so does the Gulf of Nicoya: and the little bays about here must not detain us." MRS. WILTON. "San José is the capital of Costa Rica.

General De la Rey would only say a few words. He had received definite instructions before he went to his burghers neither to encourage nor discourage them, whatever they might say at their meetings. He had strictly observed these instructions, and had never attempted to influence them. The delegates could bear witness how full of courage the men were. Nevertheless, the war could not be continued.

Frémont dispossessed their agent and they failed to gain repossession, the courts deciding that Pico had no right to sell. In 1847 the celebrated Mormon battalion, which Parkman so vividly describes in his Oregon Trail, were stationed at San Luis Rey for two months, and later on, a re-enlisted company was sent to take charge of it for a short time.

The artist seemed relieved and she was very much disappointed, but she quieted down and asked me what I intended to do with the animal. I told her that I was taking it to America, where it would be put in a mixed group which Rey was to train, and after inquiring when we were to sail, they left the office.

With reference to the Mormon Battalion, Father Engelhardt, in his "Missions and Missionaries of California," wrote: "It is not likely that these Mormons, independent of United States and military regulations, would have wantonly destroyed any part of the church property or church fixtures during their several months' stay at San Luis Rey.

Molino del Rey was now captured, and the troops engaged, with the exception of an appropriate guard over the captured position and property, were marched back to their quarters in Tacubaya. The engagement did not last many minutes, but the killed and wounded were numerous for the number of troops engaged.

According to what Perfecta told me this morning, on my return from Mundo Grande, Pepe Rey at about twelve o'clock last night entered the garden of the house and shot himself in the right temple, expiring instantly. Imagine the consternation and alarm which such an event would produce in this peaceable and virtuous mansion.

This he did between himself and me, without ostentation, pretension, or noise, and had not I spoken of it to anybody, not a single person would ever have known anything of the matter. I was so pleased with this action that I became attached to Rey, and conceived for him a real friendship.

The climate was so moderate that oranges, figs, pomegranates, etc.... were generally to be found in every yard or inclosure. At the time of our visit, General Kearney was making his preparations to return overland to the United States, and he arranged to secure a volunteer escort out of the battalion of Mormons that was then stationed at San Luis Rey, under Colonel Cooke and a Major Hunt.

An excellent idea has just occurred to me, Senor Don Jose; you ought to be a lawyer." "Law is a profession which I abhor," replied Pepe Rey.