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Conrad Lagrange world-worn, scarred by his years of contact with the unclean, the vicious, and debasing passions of mankind grasped the young man's hand, while his eyes shone with an emotion his habitual reserve could not conceal. "I'm glad for you, Aaron" he said, adding reverently "as your mother would be glad." "I have known that you would tell me this, sometime Mr. King," said Myra Willard.

"Now look at mine see my fingers all roughened by my needle." "Such busy, capable hands!" said he, drawing a pace nearer, "hands always working for others, so strong to help the distressed. I love and honour them more just because of those work-roughened fingers." As he spoke he reached out very suddenly, and clasping those slender hands, stooped and kissed them reverently.

Even so, Edna, you stop your ears with shells, and my warning falls like snow-flakes that melt and vanish on the bosom of a stream. "No, sirs I am willing to be advised. Against what would you warn me?" "The hollowness of life, the fatuity of your hopes, the treachery of that human nature of which you speak so tenderly and reverently.

Still others will claim that the whole matter is too high for us, and refrain from entering upon it, or else take what they judge to be the plain meaning of Scripture, or fall back on the view that has prevailed. I reverently think, that reason has a legitimate field here.

What did the merchants, artisans, and musicians know about the godless Greek and Latin writings which brought the names of Pirckheimer and Peutinger before the people, yet how reverently many of these folk now bowed before them. Only the soldiers with swords at their sides held their heads erect. They proved that they were right in calling themselves "pious lansquenets."

The winds were hushed as if expectant in the branches above. "Dennis Fleet," he said, "you must put your foot on this folly here and now." He bared his head and looked upward. "O God," he said, solemnly, "if this is contrary to Thy will Thy will be done." He paused a moment reverently, and then turned on his heel and strode resolutely homeward.

This king Wan, Watchfully and reverently, With entire intelligence served God, And so secured the great blessing. In his early years, It made for him a mate ; On the north of the Hsia, On the banks of the Wei. When king Wan would marry, There was the lady in a large state . In a large state was the lady, Like a fair denizen of heaven.

"If I were a writer I would always put the ocean in my book," she told herself, "for there are so many children who never have a chance to see the wonderful world of water!" Nettie's flowers were still on the dresser. "Poor little Nettie Prentice," thought Nan. "She has never seen the ocean and I wonder if she ever will!" Nan touched the lilies reverently.

And so the shadow deepened, and at last it was like unto nothing else known to the sons of men on earth, and the spirit leaped out of its clay tenement with the breath of the communion wine still on the lips of the frail, perishable body. Philip reverently raised the arm and laid it on the bed.

And he, holding her, bending down kissed her white face, soft heavy hair, over-red lips, her tragic and unfathomable eyes which looking on the evil and measuring the very actual immediate delights of it, still had courage, in the end, to reject it and choose the good kissed them reverently, gravely, proudly, with the chastity and chivalry of perfect friendship. "Ah! that's better. I'm better.