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Further to the east, as we shall find in due course, may be seen the low vaulted retro-choir or ambulatory of one bay.

We now enter the Transitional Retro-choir; here is the altar tomb of Bishop Story who built Chichester Market Cross, and of Bishop Day . The columns of Purbeck marble which grace this part of the cathedral are of great beauty. The screens of native iron have already been noticed, they are of simple but effective design. We pass the terminal chapel of the south aisle, dedicated to St.

The upper lights are broken up into a number of divisions, vertical and parallel in the choir proper, slightly varied in direction in the retro-choir. The mouldings are as elaborate and as carefully subordinated as in the earlier work of the nave.

The magnificent tomb of Archbishop Bowet is almost the only fine one to be found in the retro-choir. There has been a considerable controversy about the position of the Lady Chapel founded by Archbishop Thoresby.

At that time small ships were able to approach within a short distance of the meeting place and here the new town would naturally arise. Many remains of the Roman period have from time to time been excavated; a pavement was found in 1866 below the retro-choir of the cathedral and some ancient graves in St. Andrew's churchyard were found to have the coffins resting on a tessellated pavement.

A rich cresting runs along the top, cut through by the gable over the gates, which bears a terminal cross. On both sides the small niches have statuettes. The choir, of three bays, is the work of Bishop Hotham. The last six bays are the work of Bishop Northwold, and form the presbytery. In the present arrangement seven of these nine bays form the ritual choir, and two form the retro-choir.

A stone on the floor of the retro-choir to John Johnson, master and mariner, dated 1737, is crowded with nautical metaphor. 'Tho' Boreas with his Blustring blasts Has tos't me to and fro, Yet by the handy work of God I'm here Inclos'd below And in this Silent Bay I lie With many of our Fleet Untill the Day that I Set Sail My Admiral Christ to meet.

The earliest Gothic work in the Cathedral is the chapel of St Sepulchre, which was built upon the northern wall of the choir before the north transept. There we may still see wall paintings of the Passion of Our Lord. Not much later is the retro-choir. This consists of three bays, and is the largest in England.

Popular or no, however, the apse was sacrificed and the low retro-choir built with the Lady Chapel in the Early English style. Perhaps it was their enthusiastic loveliness which led about 1320 to the rebuilding of the Presbytery and the lovely tabernacle in the back of the wall of the Feretory. When all this was done there remained of the old Norman church only the transepts and the nave.

Andrew, to whom the building is dedicated. These arches were inserted subsequently to the erection of the tower to strengthen its supports an ingenious contrivance not without a certain beauty. The choir is peculiar and beautiful, and produces a wonderful effect, due to its groups of arches, the Lady Chapel and retro-choir, and the rich splendors of the stained glass.