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Aubrey listened to the sweet far-reaching notes "Sans peur, et sans retour, au Palais D'Iffry"! Thither would he climb to that enchanted palace of love with its rainbow towers glittering in the "light that never was on sea or land" to the throne of that queen whose soft eyes beckoned him whose kiss waited for him everything now must be for her all the world for her sake, willingly lost or willingly won!

Le laquais trouve un ami de son maitre, qui lui en demande des nouvelles. "Il est a Lyon," dit-il, "et il ne sera de retour que la semaine prochaine." "Mais," continue le questionneur, "que portez-vous la?" "Ce sont quelques provisions qu'il m'a envoye chercher pour son diner."

This time the girl was sure his lips touched her finger-tips. He released the hand and stepped to the ground. "Good-bye," he said, "I shall try my utmost to pay you a visit before I depart for the southward, but if I fail, remember to send LeFroy to me at Fort Resolution." "I will remember. Good-bye bon voyage " "Et prompt retour?" The man's lips smiled, and his eyes flashed the question.

'Reste en prison, ecoute le chant d'amour, 'Et le doux son des baisers que la Reine a promit 'A celui qui monte, sans peur et sans retour Au Palais D'Iffry! Helas, mon ami, C'est triste d'ecouter le chanson sans le chanter aussi!"

Nuit plus douce que le jour, o belle nuit d'amour! Le temps fuit et sans retour emporte nos tendresses; Loin de cet heureux sejour le temps fuit sans retour! Zephyrs embrases, versez-nous vos caresses! Ah! Donnez-nous vos baisers! The echoes of Offenbach's wondrous air, a crystal stream of harmony, and of the passion-pulsing words, died through the vaulted heights.

"Ah, Ma'mselle est de retour!" he heard the old waiter murmur at his side, and he was just able to take in that she was the daughter of the proprietress, when she was upon him, and he heard her voice. She was addressing him.

I said to myself that he had become a reactionary, gone over to the Philistines, thrown himself into religion, the religion of his "place," like a foreign lady sur le retour. I divined moreover that he was only engaged for the evening he had become a mere waiter, had joined the band of the white-waistcoated who "go out."

De retour

"Voulant prendre l'occasion de mon retour

Oh! there! in the shade, eight feet of water at least and perhaps ten, a hole with retour under the bank, a regular nest for fish and a paradise for the fisherman. I might look upon that hole as my property, Monsieur le Président, as I was its Christopher Columbus. Everybody in the neighborhood knew it, without making any opposition.