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"I would love to see the portrait of your cousin," said Albert. "I will show it to you after lunch." "Is it finished?" "Yes; but I still have some retouching to do to the background, and I shall be glad to have your advice upon it. It is not perhaps exactly necessary, yet every time that I look at it, I feel the need of some slight change." Genevieve and Esperance came in together.

She was a dainty ash-blonde with a high color in striking contrast to her general delicacy of tone. Her great, almond-shaped, black eyes appeared like those of an Oriental dancer, and were yet further prolonged by skillful retouching of shadows that augmented the seductive contrast with her dull gold hair.

When he is engaged in composition, he walks about the room, sometimes excitedly, his mind engrossed with his subject, until he has composed an entire paragraph, when he sits down and writes it, never retouching, nor composing sentence by sentence, which he thinks has a tendency to give an abrupt and jerky effect to what is written. Traces of this, he thinks, may be found in Macaulay's style. Mr.

Forgeries Perpetrated by the Aid of Tracing a Common and Dangerous Method Using Transparent Tracing Paper How the Movements are Directed Formal, Broken and Nervous Lines Retouched Lines and Shades Tracing Usually Presents a Close Resemblance to the Genuine Traced Forgeries Not Exact Duplicates of Their Originals The Danger of an Exact Duplication Forgers Usually Unable to Exactly Reproduce Tracing Using Pencil or Carbon-Guided Lines Retouching Revealed under the Microscope Tracing with Pen and Ink Over a Transparency Making a Practice and Study of Signatures Forgeries and Tracings Made by Skilful Imitators Most Difficult of Detection Free-Hand Forgery and Tracing A Few Important Matters to Observe in Detecting Forgery by Tracing Photographs a Great Aid in Detecting Tracing How to Compare Imitated and Traced Writing Furrows Traced by Pen Nibs Tracing Made by an Untrained Hand Tracing with Pen and Ink Over a Transparency Internal Evidence of Forgery by Tracing Forgeries Made by Skilful Imitators How to Determine Evidences of Forgery by Tracing Remains of Tracings Examining Paper in Transmitted Light Freely Written Tracings A Dangerous Method of Forgery.

An Italian sculptor, by name Ceracchi, who had modelled the bust of Napoleon while he held his court at Montebello, arrived in Paris, and, under pretence of retouching his work, solicited admission to the presence of the new Cæsar, whose Brutus he had resolved to be.

Are there those murdered men who died For freedom and for me? They seem to point, in martyred pride To that spot upon the sea From whence came once the frenzied yell, From out that wreck, that prison hell" This rough but strong old poem was written many years ago by a Mr. Whitman We have taken the liberty of retouching it to a slight degree.

This performance was, however, laid aside while he was employed in soliciting assistance from several great persons; and one interruption succeeding another, hindered him from supplying the chasm, and perhaps from retouching the other parts, which he can hardly be imagined to have finished in his own opinion; for it is very unequal, and some of the lines are rather inserted to rhyme to others, than to support or improve the sense; but the first and last parts are worked up with great spirit and elegance.

Where this could be removed and replaced it was done. The retouching was done by an Italian artist who came down from San Francisco.

Or, to take another simile, it is like a painting, which though it has not been executed at a single sitting, yet gives us that impression; and, in spite of the retouching and altering to which it has been subjected, still has the effect of a compact whole, of an indestructible amalgam, from which nothing can be detached.

He closed his door, he opened no letters nor telegrams, and he spent ten hours without taking anything but two eggs and some black coffee, as he did on this particular day, when looking over the essays of his twenty-fifth year with the talent of his thirty-fifth, retouching here a word, rewriting an entire page, dissatisfied here, smiling there at his thought.