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There were the Dutch residencies of Sambas and Sarabang; the English government depot on the islet of Labuan; and the strange heterogeneous settlement half colony, half kingdom then acknowledging the authority of the bold British adventurer, Sir James Brooke, styled "Rajah of Sarawak."

This journal contains, among other subjects, the doings of the law courts, reports from the various Residencies, and arrivals and departures of ships, with occasionally an interesting account of a journey inland made by the Resident of one of the up-coast districts. The Sarawak Gazette was organised in 1871, and will form an interesting history of the country in years to come.

The same principle of calculation being applied to the other residencies, it appeared that the mean annual produce of one thousand vines, in all the various stages of bearing, taken collectively throughout the country, deduced from the experience of twelve years, was four hundred and four pounds.

The Rejang Residency Wild Tribes of the Interior Start for Rejang Timber Ships Sibu Attack by Katibus A Dinner Party The Fireship Kanowit "Jok" Kanowits' Dwellings Human Heads "Bones" and "Massa Johnson." Sarawak is divided into six districts or Residencies, each of which is under the supervision and control of a European Government officer.

To obviate such charges it became necessary for those who superintended the business to pay attention to and explain the efficient causes which unavoidably occasioned this fluctuation, and to establish general principles of calculation by which to determine at any time the probable future produce of the different residencies.

The Dutch possessions in the East Indies consist of: 1. Part of the island of Sumatra. Almost the whole of Java. The islands of Banca and Billiton. The islands of Bintang and Linga. Large parts of the northern portion of the island of Borneo, which have been recently incorporated into one or two regular residencies, and assimilated to their Javanese possessions.

The Kragans would help as proconsuls, administrators, now, instead of mercenaries. And there must be manned orbital stations, and the Residencies must be moved outside the cities, away from possible blast-areas. And Sid Harrington's idea of encouraging the natives to own their contragravity-ships must be shelved, for a long time to come. Maybe, in time....

A man should first relieve those who are nearly connected with him, by whatever tie; and then, if he has any thing to spare, may extend his bounty to a wider circle. As we passed very near the castle of Dundonald, which was one of the many residencies of the kings of Scotland, and in which Robert the Second lived and died, Dr Johnson wished to survey it particularly.

They compare our King to the resplendent Indian sun; "Our King Emperor" begins each stanza with the catch of the stroke, or rather, the dig of the paddle. All the Burmese royal residencies were and are still covered with gilding. Shwey or gold, is also a Burmese term for royalty.

On account of the extent of the work embraced in this contract, and the dangerous exposure to compressed air required in most of it, it was divided into three residencies; two of these, including also the cross-town tunnels, have been described; the third, with S. H. Woodard, M. Am. Soc.