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-quocum bene saepe libenter Mensam sermonesque suos rerumque suarum Congeriem partit, magnam cum lassus diei Partem fuisset de summis rebus regundis Consilio indu foro lato sanctoque senatu: Cui res audacter magnas parvasque iocumque Eloqueretur, cuncta simul malaque et bona dictu Evomeret, si qui vellet, tutoque locaret.

Jura poli rerumque fidem legesque Deorum Cuncta Syracusius transtulit arte Senex. Quid falso insontem tonitru Salmonea miror? Aemula Naturae est parva reperta manus. But he also commits great errors, because he abandons himself to the passions, and because God abandons him to his own way.

Care and fear attack him even in the centre of his battalions: "Re veraque metus hominum curaeque sequaces Nec metuunt sonitus armorum, nee fera tela; Audacterque inter reges, rerumque potentes Versantur, neque fulgorem reverentur ab auro." Do fevers, gout, and apoplexies spare him any more than one of us?

'Qua ex coniunctione naturae et quasi concentu atque consensu, quam συμπάθειαν Graeci appellant, convenire potest aut fissum iecoris cum lucello meo aut meus quaesticulus cum caelo, terra rerumque natura? asks the sceptic in the second of these passages. Vaticinatio probat fati necessitatem. The MS. is 574 Supplément grec de la Bibl. Nationale.