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Replied Tartarin, who trembled at the thought of entering Tarascon with this absurd escort; and shamelessly repudiating the companion of his misfortunes he repelled with his foot the soil of Algeria and pushed the boat out from the shore.

Almost he wished he might tell her how horrible it was, not only to repudiate Anne's last request of him, but to feel he was repudiating it on the heels of that other refusal years ago. "No, dear," he said, "not yet. I'll go with you when you must." "I don't believe," Nan ventured, "it's as bad as you think. She did do some foolish things," she meditated, "these last years."

"It seems so wonderful," she said, musingly, "I do not understand it. The first time! We scarcely spoke and I was almost angry with you for fishing in the Heron. And I did did not think of you " He made a gesture, repudiating the mere idea. "Is it likely! Why should you?" he said. "I was just an ordinary man, crossing your path for the first and perhaps the only time.

The troops were to pledge themselves not to serve in future against the Kings of France or Spain, but from this provision Louis, with his English and German soldiers, was expressly excepted, the Count indignantly repudiating the idea of such a pledge, or of discontinuing his hostilities for an instant.

XXV. Whether in the marriage of his wives, in repudiating them, or retaining them, he acted with greater infamy, it is difficult to say.

It begins by repudiating emphatically the claim of the Transvaal to be a sovereign international State in the same sense in which the Orange Free State is one. Any proposal made conditional upon such an acknowledgment could not be entertained.

She ventured to declare, that she could place very little confidence in the professions of a man whose cruel inconstancy was capable of repudiating a faithful and affectionate wife."

"We're going to dinner," he said. "Come and join!" Collins waved a repudiating hand. "Don't want any food," he growled. "Give me a drink." He was induced to accompany his friends into the dining-room. The smell of food provoked his appetite and he ordered an elaborate meal. When it came he could not eat it.

If you have no mind to issue your Edict of Nantes; or if, when it is issued, you publish a Revocation; if you should one day be accused and convicted of repudiating the Charter, which is simply a pledge given to maintain the interests established under the Republic, then the Revolution will rise again, terrible in her strength, and strike but a single blow.

And then the recollection of that day on Devil's Hood Island, when he had deliberately risked his life to save her reputation, would return to her with overwhelming force mocking the verdict of the court-martial, repudiating the condemnation which had made her thrust him out of her life. So the pendulum swung, this way and that, lacerating her heart each time it swept forward or back.