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When the sun had sunk, and the twilight was deepening, Janet might be sitting there, heated, maddened, sobbing out her griefs with selfish passion, and wildly wishing herself dead. Mrs. Raynor had been reading about the lost sheep, and the joy there is in heaven over the sinner that repenteth.

"Among all the prisoners there was neither man nor woman who was more calmly self-possessed, more devoutly resigned, than Magdalen. The words, 'There is more joy in Heaven over one sinner that repenteth than over ninety and nine that need no repentance, strengthened her greatly, and she repented yea and verily, she did.

But this picture is hallowed by strains which are poured forth from angelic choirs, as they tune their harps anew "over one sinner that repenteth." The likeness of Cowper's mother led him to mourn for past delights, but this picture led the son to look in humble joy to that blessed hope and glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ. Original.

And my lord that lieth here dead amounted upon his horse, and the strong knight and my lord encountered together, and there he smote my lord throughout with his spear, and thus he hath brought me in great woe and damage. That me repenteth, said Sir Tristram, of your great anger; an it please you tell me your husband's name.

Anderson turned to the parable of the Prodigal Son, which I read to him. "And now," said he, turning ever the leaves, "here is one verse more." I read it: "There is more joy over one sinner that repenteth, than over ninety and nine that need no repentance."

'O my son, quoth the friar, 'seemeth this to thee so heinous a sin? Why, men blaspheme God all day long and He freely pardoneth whoso repenteth him of having blasphemed Him; and deemest thou not He will pardon thee this?

And now if this woman loves him and you know they must if he has taken her from her home, or she tempted him, which is most likely why still, she must be his wife and my daughter. And he must leave the dreadful world and come back to me to his mother, Doctor Portman. Let us go away and bring him back yes bring him back and there shall be joy for the the sinner that repenteth.

"And 'there's more joy in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, etc.," Stephen continued, anxious to persuade himself into a comfortable frame of mind. "Has Miss Poniatovsky repented?" asked Talbot, still more dryly. "Why, yes; I told you all she said. She won't gamble any more."

Points have we all of us within our souls Where all stand single. The Gospel comes as a summons to men one by one. Christ knocks at each man's door, offering the most complete personal friendship with him. Were there but a single child of God astray, the Good Shepherd would adventure His life for him, and there is joy in the presence of the angels over one sinner that repenteth.

It was probably a hard saying to the Pharisees, that 'there is more joy in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, than over ninety and nine just persons that need no repentance. And certain ingenious philosophers of our own day must surely take offence at a joy so entirely out of correspondence with arithmetical proportion.