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And now, thou hast released me, and I give thee thy choice of deaths. When the fisherman heard this, he exclaimed, 'O God, the pity of it that I should not have come to release thee till now! Then he said to the Afrit, 'Spare me, that God may spare thee, and do not destroy me, lest God set over thee one who will destroy thee. But he answered, 'There is no help for it, I must kill thee: so choose what death thou wilt die. The fisherman again returned to the charge, saying, 'Spare me for that I set thee free. 'Did I not tell thee, replied the Marid, 'that is why I kill thee? 'O head of the Afrits, said the fisherman, 'I did thee a kindness, and thou repayest me with evil: indeed the proverb lieth not that saith: "We did them good, and they the contrary returned: And this, upon my life, is what the wicked do!

"Thou," God replied, "hast given Israel the instruction, 'In righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbor'; why then, didst not thou judge the rock 'in righteousness, the rock that in Egypt supported thee when out of it thou didst such honey? Is this the manner in which thou repayest it? Not only wert thou unjust to the rock, but thou didst also call My children fools.

"And is it thus, thou ungrateful old man," said the Prince, addressing himself to the Friar, "that thou repayest mine and Hippolita's bounties? And not content with traversing my heart's nearest wishes, thou armest thy bastard, and bringest him into my own castle to insult me!" "My Lord," said Theodore, "you wrong my father: neither he nor I are capable of harbouring a thought against your peace.