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Near the mid-century comes another mighty influence from England, Richardson, who brings into the narration of middle-class, everyday existence, the intense analysis of human sensibilities. Richardson taught Germany to remodel her theories of heroism, her whole system of admirations, her conception of deserts.

No research, no analysis of character, can be found to explain the strange inconsistency by which M. de Montrond was, notwithstanding, entrusted by every government under which he lived with the most important secrets, the most serious negotiations sent abroad to stay revolutions, summoned home to remodel constitutions, and consulted on every point as though he had spent his whole life in the study of Montesquieu or Colbert.

We must remodel our whole system, strike down and abolish not only the salutary checks lodged in the executive branch, but must strike out and abolish those lodged in the Senate also, and thus practically invest the whole power of the Government in a majority of a single assembly a majority uncontrolled and absolute, and which may become despotic.

To appease her, I promised that I would remodel the story, although I knew that the doing so would leave it absolutely pointless. "Oh, I'm so glad," said Miss Sylvia, her eyes shining through her tears. "You see, I know it would make her happier I know it. I'm going to tell you my poor little story to convince you. But you you must not tell it to any of the others."

According to the best commentators, "Shakespeare, after having sketched out a play on the fashion of his youthful taste and skill, returned in after years to enlarge it, remodel it, and enrich it with the matured fruits of years of observation and reflection.

They were a part, and an essential one, in his vast designs; but France, or he who embodied France, was the great providence, the destiny, the all- directing, all-absorbing spirit, that was to remodel and control the whole world. He was dead, and France and her policy were already in a state of rapid decomposition. Barneveld wrote to encourage and sustain the sinking state.

C. still retained a peculiar regard for these lines of the "Visions" and once meant to remodel the whole, as will appear from the following letter. "Stowey, 1797. My dear Cottle,

Bonaparte was to re-establish order and law; Josephine was to remodel society and the saloon; her mission was to unite the aristocracy of ancient France with the parvenues of the new; she was to be to the latter a teacher of refinement, and of the genuine manners and habits of so-called good society.

There was also a numerous embassy from his Imperial Majesty, with Count Otto de Schwartzenburg at its head. Here then were holiness, serenity, dignity, law, and learning in abundance. Here was a pope 'in posse', with archbishops, princes, dukes, jurisconsults, and doctors of divinity 'in esse', sufficient to remodel a world, if worlds were to be remodelled by such instruments.

But the lessons of prudence were thrown away on the rigid republicanism of Hazlerig, Sydney, Neville, and their associates, who contended that to be silent was to acknowledge in the council of officers an authority independent of the parliament. They undertook to remodel the constitution of the army.