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I sends Tom the postilion with this hexpress, nowing he is a good hand at a gallop, having, not sixteen years ago, beat some o' the best on 'un at a raceng. Hoping as yer Honnur will lose no time in coming to this "house of mourning," I remane, with all respect, Your Honnur's humble servant to command, JOHN SAMPSON.

The bells tolled, too, that Sunday. They tolled almost all the afternoon. The young Northerner, Dr. Remane, was gone, a reticent, brave young man, and the heroic telegraph operator. Saturday night they buried her. Sunday, "Bobby" took her place at the wires, and spelled out, with shaking fingers, the cries of Calhoun to the wide, well world.

Frank took up an idle pair of oars, with some vaguely humane intent of helping the negro he looked so. "I wouldn't, Frank," said the other gentleman. "Now, Remane why, for instance?" "I wouldn't begin by getting overheated." No other word was spoken. They landed in silence. In silence, and somewhat weakly, the negro pulled the dory high upon the beach.

At last he drew out of the sack a sheet of pasteboard, with string attached, and hung it on the wall. It bore the simple message, rudely lettered in black, as follows: "Mery Crismus. And Children i have the honnor to remane, Yours Respec'fully SANDY CLAUS." His work done, he swung the pack to his shoulders and made off as they all broke the silence with a hearty "Thank you, Santa Claus!"

"SUR, Suckmstansies have acurd sins I last had the honner of wating on you, which render it impossbil that I should remane any longer in your suvvice. I'll thank you to leave out my thinx, when they come home on Sattady from the wash. "Your obeajnt servnt, The athography of the abuv noat, I confess, is atrocious; but ke voolyvoo?

Mister Harlow, Dear Sir: Wood you kinely oblige me bi cummin to the paint shop as soon as you can make it convenient as there is a sealin' to be wate-woshed hoppin this is not trubbling you to much I remane Yours respeckfully Pontius Pilate.

I sends Tom the postilion with this hexpress, nowing he is a good hand at a gallop, having, not sixteen years ago, beat some o' the best on 'un at a raceng. Hoping as yer Honnur will lose no time in coming to this "house of mourning," I remane, with all respect, Your Honnur's humble servant to command, JOHN SAMPSON.

"I Still Remane your Humble Servant Mrs Newton "I am vary sorry to think the Dog Perventes your Comeing "I am Glad to hear you are Both Well and we are the same." The nieces remained firm, and from the following letter it is plain the aunt gave way. The dog motive is repeated pianissimo, and is not returned to not at least by Mrs. Newton.

I take the furnacher because I bought it yer close is yors I leave them and wishin' yer the best of luck I remane oncet yer wife but now agin "Mrs. Katie Flannigan. "N.B. I 'm lavin town terday so it won't be no use lookin' fer me."

Zerviah noticed those young Northern fellows among them, Frank and Remane, and saw how they had aged since they came South, brave boys, both of them, and had done a man's brave deed. Through her office window, as he walked past, he caught a glimpse of Dr. Dare's gray dress and blonde, womanly head of abundant hair. She was mixing medicines, and patients stood waiting.