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Dale," said Riccabocca, taking off his hat with great formality, "if ever again I find myself in a dilemma, I will come to you instead of to Machiavelli." "Ah!" cried the parson, "if I could but have a calm hour's talk with you on the errors of the Papal relig " Riccabocca was off like a shot. The next day Mr. Dale had a long conversation with Mrs. Fairfield.

With these Protestant admissions before us and many others collected in the Annali delle Scienze Relig. Luglio 1839, we opine that the Rev. Mr. Breeks ought to have been solicitous for his own soul rather than for that of Mrs. Wolfrey, whose inscription was dictated by the spirit of primitive Christianity.

A flash of light was vouchsafed him for the purpose; but the light left him no power to impart the discernment; nor did he feel any longer impatient for the gift. Desire became absorbed in submission, moving in as smooth unison as the particles of a wheel, with the Love that is the mover of the sun and the stars. Seraph. Relig.

Baring Gould in his Orig. Relig. Or again the doctrine of the Saviour. That also is one on which I need not add much to what has been said already.

There were the Naasteaghna, or place of assembly of the clans of Connaught, "the Sacred Cave," which in the Druidic era was supposed to be the residence of a god, and the Relig na Righ-the venerable cemetery of the Pagan kings of the West, where still the red pillar stone stood over the grave of Dathy, and many another ancient tomb could be as clearly distinguished.

Dale," said Riccabocca, taking off his hat with great formality, "if ever again I find myself in a dilemma, I will come to you instead of to Machiavelli." "Ah!" cried the parson, "if I could but have a calm hour's talk with you on the errors of the Papal relig " Riccabocca was off like a shot. The next day Mr. Dale had a long conversation with Mrs. Fairfield.