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Our dedication to moral values must be complete in our dealings abroad and in our relationships among ourselves. We have single-minded devotion to the common good of America. Never must we forget that this means the well-being, the prosperity, the security of all Americans in every walk of life.

Among the forces that control marriage may be mentioned physical attraction, continued social relationships, dissimilarity, affection, barter. It is usually difficult to say of any marriage that any one of these forces alone caused the mating.

These delegates should therefore really be credited to the Ilocanos. If the individual relationships of the several members are considered, the result is even more striking. Of the thirty-eight delegates assigned to the non-Christian provinces, one only, good old Lino Abaya of Tiagan, was a non-Christian.

If the church makes no such provision, if it has no place for children, in the name of our wider spiritual family relationships we must demand it. Let the voice of the family be heard insisting on suitable buildings and specially designed worship for child-life suitable forms of service and activity.

The Conference has endeavored to find a plan for systematic organization of the forces that are making for better relationships, to encourage the growing acceptance of collective bargaining by providing a method that should enable it to meet the objections of its critics and to aggregate around this the forces of conciliation and arbitration now in such wide use.

And he saw that his understanding of her or of any human being could never be of the intellect. He had entered into one of those astounding yet simple relationships wherein truth, and truth alone, is possible.

I could discern that there were all sorts of sympathies between the insect and the flower a thousand singular little relationships which I had never before even suspected. Satiated with nectar, the insect rose and buzzed away in a straight line, while I lifted myself up as best I could, and readjusted myself upon my legs. "Adieu!" I said to the flower and to the bee. "Adieu!

On the surface, it deals with the worn out issue of the intermingling of life and the media. Examples for such incestuous relationships abound: Ronald Reagan, the cinematic president was also a presidential movie star. The resulting images are continuously posted on the Web and are available to anyone with a computer.

He felt that he had been, above the average, blessed with happy relationships, deep friendships and a highly trained ability to serve others and he knew that he could honestly say that he had turned this to full account. Besides, he was betrothed to a beautiful woman whom many coveted.

The intellectual and cultural relationships among American Republics were broadened as a part of the general peace program. In a world unhappily thinking in terms of war, the representatives of twenty-one Nations sat around a table, in an atmosphere of complete confidence and understanding, sincerely discussing measures for maintaining peace.