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Then she drew him slowly towards her and he sank down by her side. 'Ah! do you remember, he said, 'that wall which seemed to have grown up between us? Now there is nothing to keep us apart you are not unhappy now? 'No, no, she answered; 'very happy. For a moment they relapsed into silence whilst soft emotion stole over them.

And, meantime, while they ate and chatted all Paris lay below them, stretching away to the horizon with its mighty rumbling. Pierre had made an effort to become cheerful, but he soon relapsed into silence. Guillaume, however, was very talkative. Having noticed the three bicycles in the garden, he inquired of Marie how far she had gone that morning.

The lamp Rose lighted showed comfortless rooms, with but few articles of furniture. It was with the deft fingers of long practice that the girl spread the faded table-cloth, laid the dishes, ground the coffee, peeled the potatoes, and cut the bread. Then presently she called her father to the meal. He ate in silence, having relapsed once more into the dull gloom natural to him.

Which when the lady learned, and knew that he was irretrievably lost, she relapsed into her former plaintive mood. But the twain were forthwith by her side with soft speeches and profuse promises, which, however ill she understood them, were not altogether inapt to allay a grief which had in it more of concern for her own hapless self than of sorrow for her lost lover.

He talked with all he met, in a rapid and incoherent manner, on various subjects, and with an air of gayety and cheerfulness which it was obvious to those who observed him was all assumed; for, in the intervals of these conversations, and at every pause, he relapsed into a thoughtful and absent mood, as if he were meditating some deep and dangerous design.

I was quite unprepared for the disastrous change that showed itself, when I paid Lord Montbarry my morning visit on the 21st. He had relapsed, and seriously relapsed. Examining him to discover the cause, I found symptoms of pneumonia that is to say, in unmedical language, inflammation of the substance of the lungs.

Opening his eyes he greeted the newcomer with a lethargic "'Lo, Redmond!"; then, turning over on his side, he relapsed once more into the arms of Morpheus his nasal organ proclaiming that fact beyond doubt. The orderly aspect of the room bore mute evidence of regimental discipline.

"You know I am a doctor. If you feel ill let me know about it, and I will try to cure you." "No wish to live wish to die. I'm gwine to join the heavenly host." Here she relapsed into one of those half-heathenish rhapsodies in which negroes indulge. "But, massa, me have one thing must leave behind me when I go. No able to take it with me across the Jordan.

Sister Frances relapsed and declined so rapidly, that even Victoire, whose mind was almost always disposed to hope, despaired of her recovery. With placid resignation, or rather with mild confidence, this innocent and benevolent creature met the approach of death. She seemed attached to earth only by affection for those whom she was to leave in this world.

"And now," said my father, in a tone that was as near to the pious as I ever heard him utter, "now it is here, and I thank thee, Lord." "Good God!" gasped Mr. Lawton, in a voice that rose only a little above a whisper. "Do you mean to murder us?" My father still stood motionless, but when he spoke again his voice had relapsed to its old genial courtesy.