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The spiritual vitality which the individual lives of its members have so abundantly demonstrated, the resilience of which it has, as an organized body, shown itself to be capable, the soundness of the foundation on which its collective life has been built in the years preceding the great ordeal which it has survived; the remarkable rapidity with which it has rehabilitated its fortunes since the cessation of hostilities, have evoked in every Bahá’í heart feelings of profound affection and admiration for both the representatives of that community and the mass of believers constituting the body of the faithful in that land.

"Show him in," instructed Compton, and a moment later Jimmy entered a rehabilitated Jimmy. Upon his excellent figure the ready-maid suit had all the appearance of faultlessly tailored garments.

He was sure in his own mind this difficulty must have blown over long before now; Cyril must have explained; Nevitt must have confessed; everything must have been set right, and his own good name satisfactorily rehabilitated. For more than eighteen months he had heard nothing from England. To-morrow he would see Cyril, and account for everything.

Duncan, who built it, had been dead these fifteen years, and his daughter and heiress, Janet, had married an Italian Marquis and lived in a Roman palace, rehabilitated by the Duncan money. Mr.

She recoiled from her thoughts as if with a sense of demoniac possession, and there flashed through her the longing to return to her old state of fearless ignorance. If at that moment she could have kept Darrow from following her to Givre she would have done so... But he came; and with the sight of him the turmoil fell and she felt herself reassured, rehabilitated.

Its rehabilitated relics do not produce their best influence in any attempt to attract our admiration, which they cannot do, but in engaging our hearts' tolerant respect and confidence towards those who actually developed its principles at first-hand, its original disciples, who brought it into discredit afterwards by the very fidelity of their loyalty to it.

I sinned for my son's sake, more than for my own. But I might have rehabilitated myself through him, and now he will perhaps be dishonored through me." Her breathing came short and hard, and it was in a choked voice that she continued: "Wilkie shall work for me and for himself. If he is strong, he will save us. If he is weak ah, well! we shall perish. But there has been cowardice and shame enough!

To Heylin succeeded Bishop Nicolson in exerting himself to discredit that valuable work, and it is only within a few years that its character has been substantially rehabilitated. Together with the reputation of Fuller as an historian, his reputation in other respects for a long while underwent eclipse; for, as it is reviving again, we may not say that it passed away.

The Flopper laughed then a spasm seemed to run through him, a horrible boneless contortion of limbs and body, a slippery, twitching movement, a repulsive though almost inaudible clicking of rehabilitated joints and the Flopper stood erect. The girl was on her feet, her eyes flashing. "Can that stunt!" she cried angrily. "You give me the shivers!

It is not enough to have rehabilitated Birotteau pecuniarily and socially; he must make him die triumphantly, spectacularly, of an opportune hemorrhage, in the midst of the festivities which celebrate his restoration to his old home.