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"I do suppose, now," he suggested, "you're not the only man moving in this metropolis who fancies Miss Regina. Query, my son: if you put off Farnaby much longer " He paused and looked at Amelius. "Ah," he said, "I reckon I needn't enlarge further: there is another man.

But I always do, ever since you asked me about that note. When I know that she has had a letter, I send her out on an errand. Then I read. It is so easy!" Regina laughed, but Marcello looked displeased. "It is not honest to do such things," he said. "Not honest?" Regina stared at him in amazement. "How does honesty enter into the question? Is Settimia honest?

I have heard a great deal about you," vouchsafed Regina, as Jimsy and Fanning lifted Roy and carried him to the Blue Bird and made him comfortable on the cushions. "I'll attend to the other car," volunteered Fanning, readily. But Jimsy was not to be put off in this way. "I'd like to have a look at it before we try to put the wheel back," he said; "it may be a useful bit of experience."

"Yes; but it was an early luncheon," the grandmother said, discontentedly. "She was playing squash, or tennis, or something! Regina " "Yes, Madam?" But Mrs. Melrose was musing again. "Regina, I am expecting a caller at four o'clock, a Mrs. Sheridan. Please see that she is shown up at once. I want to see her here. And please " A pause. Regina waited. "That's all!" her mistress announced, suddenly.

"You are quite welcome, miss. He is an uncommon fine brute, and I will attend to him for you if you wish it." The door opened, and Regina was ushered in, and conducted by Mr. Roscoe into the sitting-room, where a blazing coal fire lent pleasant warmth and a ruddy glow to the elegantly furnished apartment. "Terry, tell the ladies we have come."

"Regina, I wish you would tell me as nearly as you can how he seemed to-day, and how it all happened. I could get nothing satisfactory put of old Hannah." She described the occurrences of the morning, his debility and entire lack of appetite, and the long walk in the afternoon, followed by the attack of vertigo and palpitation, to which he alluded after his return.

Palma hurried Regina through a side entrance, and down to the carriage, and ere long, having seen her enter the hall at home, bade her good-night, and drove back for Mrs. Carew and Mr. Palma. It was only a little after ten o'clock, and Regina went up to the library, her favourite haunt.

"On the other hand," the Contessa said at last, "it may be a real charity. Have you any idea why she wishes to see Aurora?" "No. I cannot guess." "I can. At least, I think I can." She paused again. "You know everything about me," she continued presently. "In the course of years I have told you all my story. Do you think I am a better woman than Regina?"

"The style of the Renaysance, as they call it." Regina observed with dismay that he had not got his hat in his hand like other visitors. He had left it no doubt in the hall; he looked as if he had dropped in to spend the day, and stay to dinner. "Well, miss, I've seen your photograph," he resumed; "and I don't much approve of it, now I see You.

This fleeting glimpse of her past served to emphasize the sense of aimlessness with which Lily at length turned toward home. She had nothing to do for the rest of the day, nor for the days to come; for the season was over in millinery as well as in society, and a week earlier Mme. Regina had notified her that her services were no longer required. Mme.