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I even hoped at times that I might die, because then I felt that you need never know." "And and was it anything in particular that made you tell us to-night?" asked Rex. "Yes. It seems very strange how things come about, but then it often happens so. Do you remember, Reggi Rex, telling me the name of the man who left your friend Miles with the Morriseys'?"

The dissolute manners of the priesthood, and the discontent of the Roman barons and people, encouraged him to look for a happy termination of his enterprise; but he derived his greatest confidence from those verses of Petrarch in the canzone which begins, "Spirto gentil che quelle membra reggi," where he says,

In fact the man never knew he was injured until the game was over. No more loyal supporter of football follows the big games than Reggi Wentworth, Williams, '91. He is most loyal to Bill Hotchkiss, Williams '91. The game was an unusually severe one, and Hotchkiss did yeoman's work that day.

Having come to this accord and companying still together, as hath been said, it chanced that Tingoccio became godfather to a child which one Ambruogio Anselmini, abiding at Campo Reggi, had had of his wife, Mistress Mita by name, and from time to time visiting, together with Meuccio, his gossip who was a very fair and lovesome lady, he became, notwithstanding the gossipship, enamoured of her.