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Admitting to his friends that the situation looked "a little dubious," he exerted himself powerfully to bring about the reelection of the New Yorker.

The excitement in that controversy grew, and notwithstanding the repeated arrests of Wilkes and his expulsions from Parliament, his reelection was repeated as often, and his following increased until not only the ministry but the throne itself was shaken by the cry of "Wilkes and Liberty."

"You are obliterating me," said Miss Portia. "I haven't the slightest idea what it is all about." "It's easy from this on," said Kent, consolingly. "You know how MacFarlane secured his reelection?" "Everybody knows that." "Well, to cut a long story short, the gerrymander deal won't stand the light. The constitution says " "Oh, please don't quote law books at me.

With strangers he would not talk about the probability of his reelection; but with friends he made no secret of his readiness to continue the work he was engaged in if such should be the general wish. "A second term would be a great honor and a great labor; which together, perhaps, I would not decline," he wrote to one of them.

This was certainly necessary, if the presidency of annual kings was not to be an empty name; and even in the preceding period reelection to the consulship was not permitted till after the lapse often years, while in the case if the censorship it was altogether forbidden.

She hesitated, reddened a little, and then, as sweetly and innocently as a child, put up her lips for him to kiss. Hannibal St. John's campaign for reelection to the senatorship was, owing to a grievous error in tact, of doubtful issue.

But neither the effectiveness of his administration nor the combined efforts of the friends of good government could save him from the designs of Tammany Hall when, in 1917, he was a candidate for reelection.

John had condoned the offence, for Wilmot was reëlected by a majority of two hundred and seventy-three. As this appeared to be a proof that they had lost the confidence of their constituents, Messrs. Simonds, Ritchie and Tilley at once resigned their seats and did not offer for reëlection.

This is one of the most remarkable speeches ever made by a President. Washington was never more dignified; Jackson was never more peremptory. The President's spirit of forgiveness was broad enough to take in the entire South. The cause of the Confederacy had been doomed from the hour of his reelection.

Communication with America was at the same time facilitated by the regular trips of a large vessel built for the purpose, the gift to the Society of Mr. John C. Stevens of Maryland. At the close of his fourth administration President Roberts decided to decline reëlection. For eight years he had been at the helm, and had brought the ship of state safely through her first perilous voyages.