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"I'm sorry to say, marm, that you're not the on'y indiwidooal as 'olds that opinion." "What do you mean by your conduct, boy?" "I mean, marm, that I'm wery 'ard up. Uncommon 'ard up; that I've tried to git vork an' can't git it, so that I'm redooced to beggary. But, I ain't a 'ighway robber, marm, by no means, an' don't want to frighten you hout o' your money if you ain't willin' to give it."

'Pore, said John, vainly endeavouring to tear on his coat with becoming rapidity under the influence of Mrs. Halliss's voluble exhortations. 'Pore are they, pore things? and so they may be. I've knowed the sons of country gentlemen, and that baronights too, Martha, as 'ad kep' their 'ounds, redooced to be that pore as they couldn't have afforded to a took our lodgings, even 'umble as they may be.

"There was old Miss Scantlebury," said another guest, a smock-frocked gaffer of seventy, with a grizzled shock of hair. "You remember Miss Scantlebury?" "O' course, o' course." "Well, she did it better 'n anybody I've heard tell of. When she fell into redooced circumstances she sold the eight-day clock that was the only thing o' value she had left.

One day the master gave 'im a lickin'. He vowed he'd be revenged. Next mornin' early he got up an' smashed the school winders, redooced the master's desk to matchwood, an' walked away whistlin'. I never seed 'im since." "Nor heard of him?" "Nor 'eard of 'im." "That was a pity," said the skipper, with a prolonged whiff. "It was. But go on, Mister Whitlaw, with your hanecdotes.

"These here guns take a full charge of ten pounds of powder for long range, and redooced charges of six and eight pounds; whilst the charges of them on the main and upper deck are either six or eight pounds, as the case might be, according to the service required." "It must take an awful lot of powder for all the eighty-four guns, besides the shot and shell!"

I would only make one su'gestion, the same bein' in the nacher of amendments to the orig'nal resolootion, an' which is, that in all games of short kyards, or at sech times as we-all issues invitations to drink, or at any other epock when time should be saved an' quick action is desir'ble, said cognomen may legally be redooced, to "Butch."

"Now this yere Cape is shy an eye, where an Apache pokes it out with a lance, back in Cochise's time; an', as he regyards his countenance as seemin' over rocky, bein' redooced to one eye as I relates, he sends East an' gets a glass eye.

When you feel redooced, go and sit in front of the glass for a spell, and ask yourself if he won't be a lucky man to have that vista across the table all the rest of his life. Don't be humble with him, whatever happens! Make him believe he's got the pick of the bundle!" "He he does!" said Elma, and blushed again. "It makes me ashamed to hear him talk about me, for I know I am really so different.

In the mornin' the round-up shows two dead an' five wounded, an' all for openin' co't on an outfit which is too frail to stand the strain of so much justice to stand onexpected. "'As I'm engaged in remarkin', says Tutt, after Boggs an' Texas is redooced to quiet ag'in Tutt bein' married most likely is used to interruptions, an' is shore patient that a-way 'as I states, they're holdin' co't, an' this day they emancipates from prison a party named Caribou Sam.

There is a young woman, not burdened with destitute relatives, has signified that she would be glad to take your dooties for less pecooniary compensation, by a consid'able amaount, than you now receive. I shall be willin', however, to retain your services at sech redooced rate as we shall fix upon, provided sech redooced rate be as low or lower than the same services can be obtained elsewhere."