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This red-nosed and red-whiskered individual was for ever talking of having to do this and that for "the first paper of the first country in the world," and, in order to obtain a better view of an engagement, he deliberately planted himself between the French and Chinese combatants.

"Had you not best consult with some godly elder who by prayer and words may move your lady's heart till the light shines on her?" asked Brant. "Cousin, it has been done, but always there is the other in the way, that red-nosed Aunt Clara, who is a mad idolator; also there is the serving-woman, Greta, whom I take for little better than a spy.

As to that red-nosed Jew, Bergstein, he'll quit talkin' 'bout me and everythin' else if I kin ever draw a bead on him.

There was a double-doored gateway, and after much thundering in vain, at which the tipstaff, a red-nosed old soldier, waxed very irate, the old woman came out in curtseying, crying, frightened humility, declaring that they would find no one there they might look if they would.

Reaching the hotel, he rushed upstairs, got his trunk, and then turned fiercely on the red-nosed bartender-"Why did you not tell me the character of this place?" "What kind of a place is it?" asked that functionary, coolly, arms akimbo. "You know well enough. You knew I was not one of your sort." "You don't mean to say that this is a bad place, do you?" said the barkeeper, in mock solemnity.

ON the third day after the scene in the club, Foma found himself about seven versts from the town, on the timber-wharf of the merchant Zvantzev, in the company of the merchant's son of Ookhtishchev a sedate, bald-headed and red-nosed gentleman with side whiskers and four ladies.

"If I had a vote I'd give it to him just for that, as I'm sick of these red-nosed old members of parliament with corporations." "He's the real lah-de-dah Johnny, isn't he?" laughed "Dora" Eweword. "Don't you say he's any relation of mine," said Ernest. "It would give me away, and he thinks I'm in Melbourne. I told every one that's where I was bound. I hope he won't catch sight of me."

Few things of the sort contain more urgent lessons or point a more precious moral; and I would have the head-master in the drawing-school take each ingenuous pupil by the hand and lead him up to the Triumph of David or the Chase of Diana or the red-nosed Persian Sibyl and make him some such little speech as the following: "This great picture, my son, was hung here to show you how you must <i>never</i> paint; to give you a perfect specimen of what in its boundless generosity the providence of nature created for our fuller knowledge an artist whose development was a negation.

Bernard's on a very cold, bleak December morning and amid a circle of seven or eight long-faced, red-nosed and altogether dowdy persons. Poor Nan herself had come to affect him as scarce other than red-nosed and dowdy by that time, but this only added, in his then, and indeed in his lasting view, to his general and his particular morbid bravery.

There came Roly-Poly, long known to all Yama a tall, thin, red-nosed, gray old man, in the uniform of a forest ranger, in high boots, with a wooden yard-stick always sticking out of his side-pocket.