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As quickly was it recovered by Tim's active hands catching the flying line to haul it in; and on its prongs squirmed a monstrous fish of the sucker tribe, a red-horse, pinned through and through by his unerring aim.

"That long sound, and the short one, and the one about half as long as the long one that spells d-a-m, dam." "Well, what do you commence your education spelling out cuss words for?" asked the old man, as he raked the razor down one side of his face, pulling his mouth around to one side so it looked like the mouth of a red-horse fish.

"Schools of fishes salmon, bass, red-horse and pike swam close along the shore, catching at the bottoms of the red-bud and plum that floated on the surface of the water, which was so clear that myriads of the finny tribe could be seen darting hither and thither amidst the limpid element, turning up their silvery sides as they sped out into deeper water."

They drive away every adversary; fatness streams along their paths; when you, the powerful, who shine with your spears, shaking even what is unshakable by strength when you, O Maruts, the manly hosts, had yoked the spotted deer, swift as thought, to your chariots; when you had yoked the spotted deer before your chariots, hurling thunderbolt in the fight, then the streams of the red-horse rush forth: like a skin with water they water the earth.