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Wharton needs somebody to read to him evenings. On my recommendation he might take you." "Thank you, aunt, but I don't see it. I don't want to be worked to death." "But, think, Thomas," said his aunt, earnestly. "He is very rich. He might take a fancy to you and remember you in his will." "I wish somebody would remember me in his will.

We have passed the frontier town of Perleberg, and press onward in company with a glovemaker of Berlin, last from Copenhagen, whom we have overtaken on the road towards Wusterhausen. “Thou wouldst know, good friend, the nature of my prospects in Berlin when I arrive there? Have I letters of recommendationam I provided in case of the worst? Brother, not so! I am provided for nothing.

All his natural accomplishments consisted in good looks: all his acquired abilities in an easy air and graceful demeanor. He had letters of recommendation to his countryman Lord Hay; and that nobleman no sooner cast his eye upon him, than he discovered talents sufficient to entitle him immediately to make a great figure in the government.

He led her away, with rather a pale face, to the most secluded part of it. "What did the captain say?" she asked. "The captain is a canny, suspicious, pigheaded old Scottish-man!" "Of course, of course," very despondingly, "no one can do anything for me. I must go to a lodging, and advertise for another situation." "They will want a recommendation from your last place."

No Tickets Issued Except on Recommendation of your Family Physician. This is especially important, for next to a war or a football match there's nothing that I know of that is quite so dangerous to the participants as a bargain day." "I'll bear what you say in mind," quoth Boswell, and he made a note of my injunction.

Tramping restlessly up and down before my bachelor apartment house I discerned M'sieu Zhames. His face was pale and troubled, but the angle of his jaw told me that he had determined upon something or other. "Ha!" I said railingly. He wore a decently respectable suit of ready- made clothes. "Lost your job and want me to give you a recommendation?"

In the summer of 1882 Miss Davidson and I both went North and engaged in the work of raising funds for the completion of our new building. On my way North I stopped in New York to try to get a letter of recommendation from an officer of a missionary organization who had become somewhat acquainted with me a few years previous.

The reason still exists, and I renew the recommendation with an increased confidence that its adoption will strengthen those checks by which the Constitution designed to secure the independence of each department of the Government and promote the healthful and equitable administration of all the trusts which it has created.

"I had it from the Empress this night that she will to-morrow make a new sorting of this kingdom's dignities. Perhaps there is some recommendation you would wish me to lay before her in return for your courtesies?" "My lord," said the man, "if you wish it, I can have a turn with those cave-tigers myself now, and you can look on from behind the walls and see them tear me."

He knew that he had his own fortune to make, and after settling his mother's affairs and finding there was nothing left for him, he had come to the city, and on the morning which we have mentioned went forth alone to look for employment, with no other recommendation than the frank, honest expression of his handsome face.