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"For a near- sighted gent you're sure some recognizer." "I recognized his voice." Mr. Hennage was silent for a minute. Carey continued. "If the sheriff gets him, I'll see to it that McGraw doesn't rob another stage for some time to come." Still Mr. Hennage was silent.

Poor Sterling, he was by nature appointed for a Poet, then, a Poet after his sort, or recognizer and delineator of the Beautiful; and not for a Priest at all?

And, as is usual under such circumstances, the would-be recognizer was so pathetically eager to recognize. Even Galusha, dully inert as he was just then, again felt his indignation stirred by the shabby mockery of it all. Obed Taylor received a message from his brother Daniel who had died in infancy. Daniel declared himself very happy.

To identify an object, say a particular person, commonly presupposes some previous experience or knowledge of this object, and the existence in the past of some special relation of the recognizer to the recognized, if only that of an observer. In fact, it is evident that in this mode of recognition we have the transition from common perception to individual recollection.

"That's funny" echoed Harley P. "I gathered from what you told me in San Pasqual that you two'd never met up, an' they tell me that durin' the hold-up McGraw was behind a wall an' wearin' a mask. You're sure some recognizer, Mr. Carey." "We had met prior to the hold-up and subsequent to my conversation with you in San Pasqual." "Still the bet goes as she lays" repeated Mr. Hennage.