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To describe M. de Morgan's discovery as a "happy guess," as has been done, is therefore beside the mark. * El-Kab. Egyptian Research Account, 1897, p. 11. Diospolis Parva. Egypt Exploration Fund, 1901, p. 2. * Recherches: Age de la Pierre, p. xiii. Another most important British excavation was that carried on by Messrs. Randall-Maclver and Wilkin at el-'Amra.

The tiger is to be found every day throughout the year, and every where from twilight to sunrise. For the more récherchés in shooting, there is the rhinoceros, the most capital of all sport, as it is called; for in nine instances out of ten he kills his man. Unless the sportsman hits him in the eye, double barrels are unavailing; his hide would turn off every thing but a cannon ball.

It bore the title 'Recherches historiques et critiques sur l'Homme au Masque de Fer, d'ou resultent des Notions certaines sur ce prisonnier'. These researches brought to light a secret correspondence relative to certain negotiations and intrigues, and to the abduction of a secretary of the Duke of Mantua whose name was Matthioli, and not Girolamo Magni.

He was a pastor of the Reformed Church of Holland, and resided during the greater part of his life at Amsterdam, where he produced his earlier work Recherches sur les Cometes , in which he combated the popular belief in the malign influence of comets. This work created a great excitement amongst the Hollanders, and in two months no less than four thousand copies were sold.

In Père Henri Doré's Recherches sur les Superstitions en Chine is given an interesting legend concerning five other gods of epidemics. These gods are called the Wu Yüeh, 'Five Mountains, and are worshipped in the temple San-i Ko at Ju-kao, especially in outbreaks of contagious diseases and fevers. A sufferer goes to the temple and promises offerings to the gods in the event of recovery.

And do you not see also, that such recherches nooks for concealment are adapted only for ordinary occasions, and would be adopted only by ordinary intellects; for, in all cases of concealment, a disposal of the article concealed a disposal of it in this recherche manner, is, in the very first instance, presumable and presumed; and thus its discovery depends, not at all upon the acumen, but altogether upon the mere care, patience, and determination of the seekers; and where the case is of importance or, what amounts to the same thing in the policial eyes, when the reward is of magnitude, the qualities in question have never been known to fail.

The curious may consult the Recherches sur le Cuir dore, anciennement appele Cuir basane, by M. de la Queriere, also M. Jacquemart's Histoire du Mobilier, in which is found a very exact representation of a specimen, probably Italian.

Cuvier, in the "Discours sur les Revolutions de la Surface du Globe," strangely credits himself, and has ever since been credited by others, with the invention of a new method of palaeontological research. But if you will turn to the "Recherches sur les Ossemens Fossiles" and watch Cuvier, not speculating, but working, you will find that his method is neither more nor less than that of Steno.

He was then composing his curious and interesting Recherches sur la France, and there related the almost miraculous discovery of a murder long since committed of which discovery he had in his youth been an eye-witness. It is from his statement that this history is taken. 'This wreath must be finished before the evening.

The captives find themselves then with all the advantages of material life, and may be milked with every facility. P. Huber, Recherches sur les Moeurs des Fourmis indigènes, pp. 176-200. An allied species of ant, the Lasius brunneus, lives almost entirely on the sweet secretion of large Aphides in the bark of oaks and walnut trees.