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Apparently his birth took place elsewhere than in Paris, for it is not recorded with those of Henri de Buade's other children, on the register of St. Colonel Jal says: "On concoit que j'ai pu etre tente de connaitre ce qu'il y a de vrai dans les recits de Saint-Simon et de Tallemant des Reaux; voici ce qu'apres bien des recherches, j'ai pu apprendre. Mlle.

"Recherches sur quelques Coleoptères aveugles," Ann. Sc. Nat., v. Série, t. ix., 1868, p. 71. Aphis-pens and paddocks. Ants can also keep Aphides in their homes. In this case, fearing that the adult beasts may not be able to adopt a change of surroundings and food, they bring the eggs to their nests and care for them at the same time as their own children.

All qualities that should make a good translator of such a Chronicle as this were joined in Robert Southey. As for the true Cid, let us not ask whether he was ever as M. Dozy, in his excellent Recherches sur l'Histoire Politique et Litteraire de l'Espagne pendant le Moyen Age, says that he could be treacherous and cruel.

Pillars, cupolas, vaults nothing is too difficult or too complicated for these small and patient labourers. The earliest comprehensive account of the Termites and their industries was by Smeathman in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, vol. lxxi., 1781, pp. 139-192. Later they were studied by Lespès: "Recherches sur l'organisation et les moeurs du Termite lucifuge," Ann. des Sci.

The salons of the Duchesse de Broglie, Mmes. de Staël, d'Haussonvìlle, Guizot, were most interesting and recherchés, very exclusive and very serious, but a centre for all political and literary talk.

While not marked with récherchés violin tricks, or violent attempts at bravura, it has both brilliance and solidity, and is delightfully colored in orchestration. There are no pauses between the movements, but they are well varied in their unity. There is an unfinished oratorio, "Samuel," an incomplete opera, "Hinotito," and a cantata of which only the tenor solo, "Khamsin," is done.

Recherches Historiques sur les Principales Nations Établies en Siberie. Paris, 1801. 8vo. This work, translated from the Russian of Fischer, displays a great deal of research, and is not unworthy of an author who imitated Pallas, Gmelin, Müller, &c. Recherches sur les Principales Nations en Siberie. Traduit du Russe de Stollenweck. 8vo. Description de Kamschatcha. Par Krascheninnikof.

SAINTE CROIX. The work of the Baron de Sainte Croix, in two volumes, entitled, "Recherches Historiques et Critiques sur les Mystères du Paganisme," is one of the most valuable and instructive works that we have in any language on the ancient Mysteries, those religious associations whose history and design so closely connect them with Freemasonry.

If this incident reveals inconceivable thoughtlessness in one of the members of this serious republic, it also brings to light the judgment, reflection, and decision of which they are capable, as well as a freedom which cannot be found in the works of instinct. Recherches sur les Moeurs des Fourmis indigènes, pp. 47, 48.

Short Stay in England. Farewell Letter from Humboldt. Sails for United States. In 1843 the "Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles" was completed, and fast upon its footsteps, in 1844, followed the author's "Monograph on the Fossil Fishes of the Old Red Sandstone, or the Devonian System of Great Britain and Russia," a large quarto volume of text, accompanied by forty-one plates.