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To me they were not so, for reasons that I have before stated. Besides, our berth was like an eastern caravanserai, or the receiving-room of a pest-house. They all died, were promoted, or went into other ships, excepting two and myself; who returned to England. It must not be supposed that we were without young gentlemen; sometimes we had our full complement, sometimes half.

They flashed a search-light all about the place, and concluded that it was the receiving-room, where the raw iron billets were brought via the elevator, and from there slid to the floor below. At one end, in exactly the same location as the desk Smith had destroyed, stood another, with a low and remarkably broad chair beside it.

I must leave you now, but I will send Leonard to you." "It is needless," replied Amabel. "Let him come to us at the proper time. We will be ready." To explain the cause of Mrs. Buscot's alarm, it will be necessary to return to the receiving-room, and ascertain what occurred after Nizza's flight.

We waited in the receiving-room, where a young convalescent had been brought out on a stretcher to see his peasant family a weather-beaten father, a mother with a kerchief over her head, two solemn, little, round-faced brothers with Tyrolean feathers in their caps.

In a few minutes the servant reappeared with two keepers, who handed Mrs Forster out of the chaise, and conducted her to a receiving-room, where Mrs Forster waited some minutes in expectation of the appearance of Doctor Beddington. In the mean time, Mr Ramsden's servant, having no farther communication to make, left the letter for Doctor Beddington, and returned in the chaise to Overton.

It was airy and well-appointed, with, on the ground floor, a great gymnasium containing, outside of an alcove at one end where hung four or five punching bags, only medicine balls. At the other end was an office or receiving-room, baggage or store-room, and locker and dining-room. To the east at the center extended a wing containing a number of shower-baths, a lounging room and sun parlor.

In a few minutes the servant reappeared with two keepers, who handed Mrs Forster out of the chaise, and conducted her to a receiving-room, where Mrs Forster waited some minutes in expectation of the appearance of Dr Beddington. In the meantime, Mr Ramsden's servant, having no further communication to make, left the letter for Dr Beddington, and returned in the chaise to Overton.

Something in his voice, more than in the words, arrested her listless attention. "Will you come in, Louis?" "I'm afraid I'm keeping you awake. Besides I'm wet " "Come in and tell me where you've been if you care to. Would you like some tea or something?" He shook his head, but followed her into the small receiving-room. There he declined an offered chair.

The journey of the rags over this endless belt or conveyor terminates in a receiving-room, in the floor of which there are several openings, and immediately below these the mouths of the "digesters," which are in a room beneath.

However, that isn't likely, of course, unless you've got one of these beastly Germans in your receiving-room. Now if I can borrow a cigarette, a cigar, or a pipe of tobacco any mortal thing to smoke I'll be off, if I may. The old man turned me out at an unearthly hour this morning, and in Sheringham all the shops were closed.