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In the 2nd place im runnin shy of dust an id admire for to receave about a months pay which i wont charge two you bein as ive already spent more then i ought two its a good thing i got a return ticket or id be in a hell of a fix when i got ready to come back last nite the doctor at the hospittle said hed operate on ed today which hes already done this mornin an eds restin easy though the doc dont know whether hes goin to git well or not but hes hopin an ile let you know by telegraph if he gits any worse which is all for this time.

So the Spaniardes shall wante the ordinarye victualls they receave every yere from thence, whereby they cannot contynue traficque, nor fall so aptly to practize againste our governmente there as heretofore by their trade thither they have don and doe daily, to the greate expences of her Majestie, and no small indaungeringe and troublinge of our state.

Bridgar to come receave his Provisions, hee told me hee thought it too rash an action for him to venture himself so great a voyadge in so small a vessell, & desired I would give him passage in our shipp, supposing all along that I would compell him to imbark for ffrance. I told him hee should bee very welcom, & that I intended not to force him to anything but only to quitt the place.

And though my yeares have made me unfitt for travell, I do intend, upon returne of your Letters, personally to give you thankes for your respects to my Daughter, whome I shall receave as new blessing from you, and be happie upon any turne presented to expresse my selfe for your favours, your true friend and servant W. Littleland. My maide Dorothy a Knights Daughter and heire!

Lady. This must be our Countrey recreation, too! Enter Sir Francis Courtwell. De. Who is this? Lady. 'Tis Sir Francis Courtwell; You cannot choose but know him. This must bee A favour, Sir, to visit us at parting. Sir Fr. I came with other expectation, Madam, Then to heare this: I could receave no newes So unwelcome. What misfortune doth conclude The Towne so unhappie? Lady.

I observe that even before the war, when the king had written to the queen to intimate his wish to Essex, as lord chamberlain, to prepare the palace for his reception, she desired Nicholas to do it adding, "their lordships are to great princes to receave anye direction from me." Evelyn's Mem. ii.

This is but the first of my valour in your cause; If you affect these Monuments ile make You up an Armorie; meane tyme receave My Service with this sword: if he provoke me To fight with him agen, Ile cut his hand of And bring that wo' me to present the next. Sis. Whose hand, deare servant? De. He is not worth the nameing; las, this does not Deserve your knowledge. Sis. I pray stay.

Moreover by the ordinary entercourse wee may annoye the enemyes to Ireland, and succour the Queens Majesties faithfull subjects, and drawe the Irishe by little and little to more civilitie, and in shorte tyme wee may yelde them from the coastes of America whatsoever comodities they nowe receave at the handes of the Spaniardes.

It is a good leading face, and though you have no cut ore the nose or other visible scarre, which I doubt not but you may receave all in good tyme, it is a quarrelling face and fitt for a man of warre. Un. I thanke you, sweet mistress Dorothy: I will commend you as much when you are in the Countrey. But doe you resolve to goe downe this morning, Sir? Sir Rich.

Wee are induced by late plaine examples of the Frenche, that have traficqued in those partes with greate profite, to beleve that upon our plantinge wee shall as yt were defraye as well the firste chardges as the chardges followinge, by the comodities in trafficque that wee shall receave by passinge into the inland by river and otherwise.