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He turned away from him rebukingly. "Felix, promise me." There was no relenting in his face or tone. He was merciless in the use of the power he possessed over that young, loving spirit. Felix understood that there was no escape; but his lips were very white as he said, "I promise, grandfather." Mr. Leonard drew a long breath of relief. He knew that promise would be kept. So did old Abel.

So I sometimes see Robert at dinner." "And he tells you things, and you're indiscreet about them!" said Lady Evenswood rebukingly. "I believe Robert considers me a sort of ante-room to publicity. And it's so much easier to disown a wife than a journalist, isn't it, Mr Tristram?" "Naturally. The Press have to pretend to believe one another," he said, smiling.

I'll try to do everything you want me to do. I'll work ever so hard." "Humph!" This, of course, was from Clemantiny, as she set a pan of apples on the stove with an emphatic thud. "Nobody ever doubted your willingness to work. Pity everything else about you isn't as satisfactory." "Clemantiny!" said Miss Salome rebukingly. She put her arms about Chester and drew him to her.

"Don't be violent; take care, Anna Maria," said he, rebukingly. "Potts said I should use restraint again, if you showed any return of the paroxysm. That's the way she takes it," said he in a low whisper, "with a blinking about the eyes and a pattering of the feet. Bathe your temples, dear, and you'll be better presently."

Then, to the marine orderly who stood just within the door: "Show these gentlemen to the executive officer." "He didn't ask after our folks, nor even if we liked the looks of the ship," Dalzell complained, in a whisper, as they followed the orderly. "Be silent, Danny Grin!" urged Darrin, rebukingly. "This is no time for jesting."

"'When you and I go down the love path together, Stars shall be shining and the night so fair." "Well, it's a good thing nobody else sees you like that," sniffed her mother, rebukingly. "I don't know what they would think!" Sally forebore to make the obvious retort. Her mother prepared for bed. ix

When she was safely his, Jerome confessed all and was graciously forgiven. "But it was kind of mean to Harriet," said Anne rebukingly, "to go with her and get her talked about and then drop her as you did. Don't you think so yourself, Jerome?" Her husband's eyes twinkled. "Well, hardly that. You see, Harriet's engaged to that Johnson fellow out west.

"It doesn't seem proper to think of giving entertainments when everybody knows our circumstances, how poor we are!" Julia said rebukingly. "We are talking of next summer, my child! Who can say how rich we shall be next summer? A party could be given in this barn with mother to play the piano and Mr. Popham the fiddle.

We do not go dancing into it. We must fashion our lives on more godly things," said Rachel rebukingly. Primrose made no reply, but drew on her glove. "Then I shall not see Faith," she said rather disappointedly as she rose. "Where is Faith?" Aunt Lois looked up. "She idled so much yesterday that she did not finish her stent, and she has a larger share this afternoon."

"Where can we meet?" "Agatha is a good soul," said I. "Well, fix it up by telephone to-morrow." "Alas!" said I; "I don't run to telephones in my eagle's nest on Himalaya Mansions." She knitted her brows. "That's not the last address you wrote from." "No," I replied, smiling at this glimpse of the matter-of-fact Eleanor. "It was a joke." "You're incorrigible!" she said rebukingly.