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The wind made scenery in the sky, heaping up snowy masses of cloud against the blue in picturesque groups resembling Alpine heights, and fantastic palaces of fairyland, and when, after a glorious day of fresh and invigorating air which swept both sea and hillside, a sudden calm came with the approach of sunset, the lovely colours of earth and heaven, melting into one another, where so pure and brilliant, that Mary, always a lover of Nature, could not resist Angus Reay's earnest entreaty that she would accompany him to see the splendid departure of the orb of day, in all its imperial panoply of royal gold and purple.

Another few steps made easily with the support of Reay's strong arm, and Helmsley found himself again in the simple little raftered cottage kitchen, with Charlie tearing madly round and round him in ecstasy, uttering short yelps of joy.

Woodhouse intruded visions of his daughter, a captive, perhaps crossing the Atlantic, perhaps hidden, who knew, in a shieling or a cavern in the untrodden wastes of Assynt or of Lord Reay's country. At last these appearances were merged in sleep. III. Logan to the Rescue! As Merton sped on the motor next day to the nearest telegraph station, with Mr. Macrae's sheaf of despatches, Dr.

She said she was sure you would be home to-day!" Helmsley could not speak. He merely returned the pressure of Reay's warm, strong hand with all the friendly fervour of which he was capable. A glance from Mary's eyes warned Angus that the old man was sorely tired and he at once offered him his arm. "Lean on me, David," he said. "Strong as bonnie Mary is, I'm just a bit stronger.

"Stop, stop, old David!" interrupted Twitt, suddenly holding up his hand "Ye takes my breath away!" They all laughed, Reay's hearty tones ringing above the rest. "Oh, I should know what to do with them!" he said; "but I wouldn't spend them on my own selfish pleasures that I swear! For one thing, I'd run a daily newspaper on honest lines " "It wouldn't sell!" observed Helmsley, drily.

The rest of the infantry were divided into the Yellow, Blue, and White Brigades. One evening when the officers of Reay's regiment were sitting round the campfire Lieutenant Farquhar said to Colonel Munro: "How is it that Sir John Hepburn has, although still so young, risen to such high honour in the counsel of the king; how did he first make his way?"

Early in the morning a small party of Scots, commanded by one Captain Forbes, of my Lord Reay's regiment, were sent out to learn something of the enemy, the king observing they had not fired all night; and while this party were abroad, the army stood in battalia; and my old friend Sir John Hepburn, whom of all men the king most depended upon for any desperate service, was ordered to pass the bridge with his brigade, and to draw up without the line, with command to advance as he found the horse, who were to second him, come over.

"So did my father!" and Reay's eyes softened as he bent them on the sparkling fire "In winter evenings when the darkness fell down upon our wild Highland hills, he would come home to our shieling on the edge of the moor, shaking all the freshness of the wind and the scent of the dying heather out of his plaid as he threw it from his shoulders, and he would toss fresh peat on the fire till it blazed red and golden, and he would lay his hand on my head and say to me: 'Come awa' bairnie!

Loch Lomond Expedition. Wodrow Correspondence, p. 30. Also Reay's History of the Rebellion, p. 286. Macleay, p. 279. The memoirs of Simon Fraser, Lord Lovat, have been written in various forms, and with a great diversity of opinions.

Published in 1825. Service of the Earl of Eglintoun, p. 8. Buchan's Account of the Earls Marischal, p. 125. Eglinton Case. Patten, p. 52. Patten, p. 54. Life of the Earls Marischal, p. 130. Reay's History of the Late Rebellion. Dumfries, 1718. Reay, p. 139. Now of Sir Charles Stuart Menteath, Bart. Reay, p. 184. Id. Id. p. 211. Reay, p. 257. Patten, pp. 224-235. Colonel Hooke's Negotiations.