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If the influences demoralising to the working-man act more powerfully, more concentratedly than usual, he becomes an offender as certainly as water abandons the fluid for the vaporous state at 80 degrees, Reaumur.

So far as cleanliness is concerned, there is nothing to complain of; the rooms, the staircases and the courtyard were kept very neatly, and the latter was even profusely watered twice a day. We were not at all annoyed by insects, and we were but little incommoded by the heat. In the sun the temperature never exceeded 33 degress; and in the shade the greatest heat was 22 degrees Reaumur.

He saw further than Réaumur, and burned with the same fire as Fabre, for he also had the makings of a great poet.

There, as Reaumur said, possibly one gnat in every hundred may be able to gratify its appetite for blood; but of the gnats in many districts in South America it would be nearer the mark to say that only one in a hundred millions can ever do so.

The work of Réaumur and, especially, of Huntsman, whose development of cast steel after 1740 secured an international reputation for Sheffield, had established the cementation and crucible processes as the primary source of cast steel, for nearly 100 years.

Reaumur was one of the first to prove this, as shown by the Kelleia family of Malta, and there have been many corroboratory instances reported; it is shown to last for three, four, and even five generations; intermarriage with normal persons finally eradicates it. It is particularly in places where consanguineous marriages are prevalent that supernumerary digits persist in a family.

There had been a hard frost, eleven degrees Réaumur, without snow, but a little dry snow had fallen on the frozen ground during the night, and a keen dry wind was lifting and blowing it along the dreary streets of our town, especially about the market-place. It was a dull morning, but the snow had ceased.

LALANDE. A very deep ring-plain, about 14 miles in diameter, N.E. of Ptolemaeus, with bright terraced walls, some 6000 feet above the floor, which contains a low central mountain. On the N. is the long cleft running, with some interruptions, in a W.N.W. direction towards Reaumur. DAVY. A deep irregular ring-plain, 23 miles across, on the Mare E. of Alphonsus.

Whatever the degree of heat or cold, they never vary their costume; and I believe there is not a people in the world so hardened against the weather. In the winter, during a cold of 10° of Reaumur, the Kalushes walk about naked, and jump into the water as the best method of warming themselves.

As Reaumur tells us, the Chalicodoma of the Walls in the northern provinces selects a wall directly facing the sun and one not covered with plaster, which might come off and imperil the future of the cells. She confides her buildings only to solid foundations, such as bare stones.